Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Water Table

A scouting adventure does not reveal very much, except that the tunnels become more rough-hewn and dark.  Soon after the throne room, there is another descent, this of about a hundred and fifty feet, mostly through spirally stairwells and switchback ledges, much like you saw earlier.  There are few places where a fall would be more than twenty feet, however; the way has been cut down through the rock, and does not stop until you reach the water table of the giant cave, where the waterfall had to be fixed with planks.

The difficulty can't ever be too much.  From the images, prisoners in bondage had to make these passages and be kept alive until they could be hurled from the cliff.

A few hours gets you to the water table, and a bit beyond.  There's a slow, gurgling stream, a foot or so deep, cold as blazes, about twenty feet wide.  And from what you can see, the passage switches back and forth across this stream, often with a ceiling no higher than 7 or 8 feet, so that there's no way to avoid getting your feet wet.

It must have been miserable for the prisoners, but presumably the froglings would not have minded the water.


Rob Munro said...

Well, at least the stream ensure that we will have access to water.

Apparently Alexis has us at 5AP for this small exploration phase, which means we have no supplies.
If that's the case I propose we head back to camp, take what food and fuel we can to be at 3AP and depart to the cliff Lothar saw in his vision.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Agreed, let us head back and then forge ahead.

Unknown said...


Alexis Smolensk said...

Stipulated: Journey at 3 AP, 7 miles per day.

Is Willa coming along? She can carry up to 67 lb. of whatever you put on her and move 3 AP.

Also, I want to point out that a person waiting a resting at some point in the tunnel only eats 2 lb. of food; so waiting two days is equivalent to travelling one day.

Embla Strand said...

Willa will tag along.

Since we have food, let's press on.

Rob Munro said...

[we need to know how much supplies Embla an Engelhart are ready to carry]

Alexis Smolensk said...

Agreed. And an answer to my own question.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I cannot carry anything if wearing my armour. Not while keeping the 3 AP.

Embla Strand said...

I can carry about 60lbs of food and stay at 3AP.

Willa will carry another 20lbs of food.

Rob Munro said...

[ so, I have us with 190 lbs of food, 3days of charcoal and a bit of wood to start it ; lamps, some candles and a blanket per person. In the throne room we leave 96lbs. of food, a keg , the pot, and 5 days of charcoal and kindlewood ]

Rob Munro said...

[ Embla, does the 20lbs. of food Willa can carry is what she has left after takingher current equipment into account (meaning her equipment is 47lbs.) ? If that is the case we only have 143lbs. of food with us, and 143lbs. is back at camp) ]

Embla Strand said...

Willa's base gear weighs 34lbs. I'd rather not load her up all the way, if we can help it.

Alexis Smolensk said...


Engelhart Askjellson said...

Your tally is excellent, Rob. Make it an even split on food taken and left behind, I'm sure we'll find a point of interest before the line gives out.

Come on, let us get about it, we're burning daylight.

Rob Munro said...

[ok noted. As far as I'm concerned. Ready!]

Embla Strand said...


Unknown said...

I'm ready

Rob Munro said...

[BTW, sorry Mikael but I did put you at 3AP only. If you want the first meal will come off your back and you'll be back at 4AP.]

Lothar Svensson said...

No objections at this point.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.