Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Bridge

You find yourself at one end of a bridge, sure enough. The chamber the bridge crosses is about 80 feet long and about 45 feet wide.  The bottom is covered with water, far, far down, about 90 to 120 feet.  Once in the chamber, hanging your head over the side, you can hear the water moving, but not rushing.

The ceiling is only ten feet above you - and the stone seems to be cracked, along the length of the bridge.  The crack is only a few millimeters to half a centimeter wide, or less than a quarter of an inch; this doesn't let in much light, but it does let in enough to fill the chamber.  You can see a shaft of light in the far left corner of the room, from your perspective (sorry, forgot to add this to the map, I'll update it next time), from a hole about three feet wide, in hex 1403.

There are no rails along the bridge and it is only a meter wide, plus, or 3 to 4 feet.  The height is dizzying.  It isn't a matter of dancing across this thing.

You can hear a faint chittering sound, like a small, rattling mill wheel (that's as close as you can get to a description).  It might be coming from anywhere.

You can't tell what it looks like under the bridge; if it is natural or made, as you can't really get into a position to look over the side and under, without risking death.


Pandred said...

Anyone got a rope? Perhaps we can have one of the lighter, or at least more observant members of our esteemed company try and cross, and we'll hold onto them with the aforesaid.

I'd be all too willing to have my "squire" do it, if he feels the same.

Pandred said...

Sorry to double post, but I hadn't realised we'd started again at all, and I'm playing a bit of catch-up.

Pandred herself is sitting at 5hp, and Oddsdrakken is at 1. I'm going to politely rescind my earlier offer to have him try the rope maneuver.

I do, however, think it's still a good idea.

If Fjall would like to offer some potential covering fire with my crossbow, Embla and I surely have the strength between us to hold onto whomever is brave enough to give this thing a closer look. 1403 is a bit far, but we might be able to get a decent vantage on it.

Volunteers or another idea?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Place is full to the brim with bats. If we disturb them they'll whip up a frenzy of leatherwing and endanger us.

Best that we kill the lights, adjust our sight and send for the darkvision (and sure-footed, to boot) half-orcess.

Bridge is too long for anything less than 100' of rope to serve as safety line, and I believe we left it on the cage the other side of this complex. Not sure if there's any such length between us anymore (none on me).

[ooc: Welcome back, Pandred!]

Embla Strand said...

I have no rope, alas.

I am happy to walk along the bridge, but if we want to look at the hole, I think we'd want someone a little lighter (I may be sure-footed, but I'm a big girl).

Engelhart Askjellson said...

The hole is out of reach, whatever we may make of it.

Embla, if you're happy to go so much the better, because whoever goes had best go at it alone, since if you encounter trouble you may need to double back in a hurry, and that's where your sure-footedness would come into its own. Plus you're stealthy, too.

You can guide the rest of us visually-impaired humans across once everything proves to be on the level.

I don't think I currently have a lantern on me, but again, I urge you to douse the lights until we're across.

Alexis Smolensk said...

If there are bats, they won't see a light.

[I'm working again, but I've been given tomorrow unexpectedly off. Today is my partner Tamara's birthday; so, I'll check in if there's time, but we are probably doing stuff together - her choice, so I don't know what, yet]

Lothar Svensson said...

[Welcome back, Pandred! I was hoping you'd show up:) ]

If the chittering sound is indeed bats, I see two options to deal with them. First, we could sneak across hoping to remain quiet enough that they won't hear us, which may be difficult for everyone in the party to accomplish. Second, we could raise a ruckus, throw a rock, and get the bats to swarm and fly off while we are all sitting safely in the tunnel. A cloud of bats issuing from the ground might be a signal to other froglings in the area. I'm willing to risk that though, since I don't know that we'll all be stealthy enough to make it across unmolested.

Then again, the chittering may not be bats, but some sort of waterwheel powering an underground grain mill? Engelhart, do you have a light spell [or am I remembering all the way back to the other campaign under the Archbishop's castle]?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I didn't even know of any Archbishop's castle. But I do have a Light spell still primed and ready.

I vote for the stealthy approach, but if the majority wishes it, I won't be at all exceptional to casting it.

Pandred said...

I think the proper thing to do at this point is declarative statements, since we've more or less settled on a course of action.

I offer to hold anything Embla is concerned about losing.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I get the sling out and prepare to lay cover for Embla. Holding action otherwise.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Since Embla is the go-to person, just waiting for her to speak.

Embla Strand said...

I give my backpack to Pandred, equip my javelin, and stealthily make my way across the bridge.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Had to make sure I read on this before answering. Embla has the advantage of Stability, which gives her a 19 dexterity for checks, should there be a chance that she'll fall. It doesn't give her extra bonuses for combat (like the balance skill will), but I'll rule that she doesn't have to check her balance as she crosses, nor will she feel (as virtually anyone else would) the compulsion to get down on her hands and knees and crawl across.

Embla, you get about half way across. At this point, I'm going to need you to roll a d20. It isn't a dex check.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[OOC: This is classic. I'm at work, you all post regularly. Here I am, with the day off, and dead silence. Embla? Are you there?]

Embla Strand said...

[My apologies]

I roll a 10.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[OOC: yes, well you wasted the whole day, Dani. If you're the only person in the campaign who is taking action, moving alone and ahead of the party, please do not disappear for 24 hours; and especially don't do it on my day off!]

Dani, about half-way across the bridge, you take notice of something floating in the air, about 20 feet to your right, just below the ceiling. At a second look, it seems to be a large insect, about 18-24 inches in diameter.

And in case you don't get this answer, I'll have your character point out the thing to Engelhart, who has his sling ready. Engelhart, you'll have to roll a d20 to see if you can see it in the shadows.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

A 9 is rolled.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Engelhart, you can barely see it. The thing is wobbling, moving ever so slightly and definitely not attached to the ceiling or wall of the cavern.

Embla Strand said...

I scan to see if there are other insects within view.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I loudly whisper for Embla to get back and take my aim as I girate the sling.

I don't yet wish to strike however, as I don't want to provoke it... but I will if it starts getting nearer to Embla.

Alexis Smolensk said...

None others that you can see, Embla.

Engelhart, Embla is not remotely in your line of fire. It's 20 feet to Embla's right, and Embla is out on the bridge. Engelhart is still at the mouth of the tunnel, not on the bridge. You'll have to step out onto 0306 to use your sling.

Embla Strand said...

I retreat to Engelhart.

I whisper to Engelhart that perhaps we could try waking it up before we attack it? We don't know what it is, and we might be able to scare it off - we're certainly fighting at a disadvantage here, and I doubt we could all sneak across the bridge without alerting it.

Alexis Smolensk said...

As you step back a hex, it whizzes out of the dark, staggeringly fast; you stop from reflex, expecting that it is about to attack. Instead it stops in flight, ten feet away.

It can be seen clearly now. It has the fat body of a dragonfly, with a long tail and SIX wings, not four. These wings are beating like a hummingbird's, creating the chittering sound. There is a long proboscis emerging from the front of its body, which seems to have an armored helmet-like front.

Embla Strand said...

Oh dear.

Is it fixated on me, or the rest of the party?

Alexis Smolensk said...

Definitely you.

Pandred said...

You're in front Em, and there's no room to maneuver. Duck for cover and let our slinger get this sorted!

I'll hold the pack Embla gave me in one hand and start fishing for my handaxe with the other.

I'd rather not lose it to the chasm but I'm sure as hell not getting whatever disease this bugger has!

Embla Strand said...

I throw my javelin at the creature and retreat as far as I can to the other side of the bridge (towards 1806).

Javelin: 10+1(Str)=11 to-hit and 2 damage.

Lothar Svensson said...

Fjall has a partially loaded crossbow for you Pandred. Last I remember it had two rounds completed, not sure if they still count though.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The javelin misses and is gone.

The flying thing shifts to dodge it.

Pandred said...

If Fjall has the line of sight needed to fire it, they're welcome to try. With Embla's things and mine in hand, I'm just hoping the first hit stuns the creature and drops it into the water and out of our lives.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Engelhart, as Embla makes for 1806, the creature will zero in on her. I'm going to give you initiative, so please let go a stone or bullet [indicate which] if it pleases you.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The tunnel is so narrow, Pandred, that only one of you can stand in it and see the chamber. It is just large enough to fit Engelhart's shoulders. He has to step out onto the bridge to fire.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[Well. I'm sure I made a table with everyone's info on it, but that table is completely gone. So I will have to make it again from scratch. Sorry. I just cannot find it]

Embla, please tell me what your movement rate is.

Embla Strand said...

I have 4AP currently.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[AHA! Found the fukin thing]

Okay, Embla has 4 AP. Halfway across is 1006, she backed up to 0906, now she moves towards 1806 (as fast as she is able); that puts her in 1306.

Technically, all this moving, plus her javelin throw, accounts for two total rounds. This gives time for Engelhart to emerge from the tunnel, spin his sling, roll to hit, and still have 2 action points to spend.

I know that Engelhart said he has his sling "ready," but I have to read this as having his sling in hand. He has time to move 1 AP, load, fire, then be left with 2 AP after.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I fire.

18 to hit, 2 mighty damage.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[For the record, it is 1:43 AM where Engelhart is. So we're probably done for now. Engelhart won't answer around midnight my time, probably later, unless he's staying up crazy late.

[I have tomorrow off also. Please, please, please, check in as early in the morning as you can. There's a chance I can get the party in a good position for treasure by this time tomorrow if we commit to it]

Alexis Smolensk said...

That hits!

And this may surprise you. The creature spins out of control and drops into the cavern.

Lucky shot. It was AC 2.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

No, wait.

I forgot I don't have proficiency with the bloody thing! :/

Shouldn't have posted from the hip, many apologies.

Rewind as needed, I will have to turn in.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

My total AP caps at four at this time, fyi.

With whatever I've left (which is perhaps none), I'll drop the sling and get out the hammer.

Alexis Smolensk said...

I have you at 4 AP. Takes two to fire and two extra left over.

Well, damn. The cleric misses.

I'm going to need an initiative roll from Embla. A d6, please.

Embla Strand said...

Embla has a 4 for initiative.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The creature will roll a 3 and zip in for the kill. Embla is able to swing first, however. d20 to hit.

Embla Strand said...

Crap. That's a 3 on the die.

Alexis Smolensk said...

And the rest of the party? Engelhart is in 0306. Pandred made a comment about Fjall; I'm willing to let Fjall step up behind Engelhart, who can shift out to 0406 and hunker down, to let the follower get in a shot. Otherwise, I'll have to write off this round for the rest of the party while they shift themselves around in a way that suits them.

What say you?

Pandred said...

If either of our frontliners want to call for a retreat to buy more room, I'm ready for it. Otherwise they seem like (barring an inability to hit AC 2 again) they've got it handled.

Alexis Smolensk said...

I'll take the heat from Engelhart if he decides my having him make room was wrong and unfair. In any case, I'm not going to have him roll a die or fall, so he's safe. If you want, make a roll for Fjall to hit, or I'm going to attack Embla without one last chance to save her.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Oh, and it is two rounds before Engelhart can fire again.

Lothar Svensson said...

Since Fjall is my hireling shall I make the roll for him, or should Pandred, seeing as it's her crossbow?

Alexis Smolensk said...

You should make that roll, Lothar.

Lothar Svensson said...

Attack roll of 11.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Fingers crossed on that shot, Lothar.

Alexis:I discarded the sling and drew my hammer... seemed ultimately better than the literal long shot of trying for twenty every other round.

Of course, even as I read your latest string of blog posts, I have to consider that there is a chasm between me and Embla, who chose the distant side to hop to.

But I'm nothing but a nuisance here to the other shooters. I'll make the attempt regardless. Tell me how to proceed for me to move closer to Embla.

Hopefully a stray shot will catch the thing before I get there. Are there mods for flank and rear at this distance?

Alexis Smolensk said...

That is a miss on Fjall's part. Please scratch a crossbow bolt.

The creature swoops in on Embla and misses, flying past here and hovering ten feet away, in hex 1304. It will flit left, right, then left again, in a very sharp series of jumps, like a dragonfly does.

I will put up a new post soon, because the comments field is getting big now, but I'll run one more round on this thread.

It is the party's action. Engelhart is in 0406, Fjall in 0306; I'm not sure of the rest of the party. Please give your positions and take what actions you will.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

[ooc: Alexis, did the blog eat my comment where I recall that I have no proficiency with sling and have therefore missed or was it a deliberate cleanup effort from you?]

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I move towards Embla, pending AP expenditure and/or rolls requested. I imagine rushing things will require a check, which I definitely wish to avoid, as Embla is not yet in fatal danger.

Embla Strand said...

I ready my battleaxe for another attack by the creature.

Lothar Svensson said...

I should be right outside the door since I was the one delaminating it. Still, since my bow I left up on the dry portion of the pathway (to get to 4 AP) before coming down into the mud, I don't really have a ranged attack right now, neither does Bergthora. Lothar heads up towards his bow with his 4 action points.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Engelhart's wisdom is a great help where it comes to fear and overconfidence. You won't need to roll anything except in attack and defense, the latter if you're stunned, if you pay a cost of 1 AP per round for CAUTION. So you can move three hexes across the bridge safely at this time.

If you want to move less cautiously, I'll have you make a wisdom check; that failing, I'll have you make a dex check ... and if that fails ...

I saw your post about no proficiency; I did cleanup and start again.

Alexis Smolensk said...


Because the attacks are completely broken off by the creature moving out of range, all melee attacks, those that are direct hand to hand, have to start again with an initiative roll. I'll say if there is another attack or not depending on what others do.

Lothar, because of the mud and the uneven surface, I'll call it four rounds before you can return to where you are at the door, with bow in hand. [might want to grab anything else left there, also, if you don't want to cross this bridge twice].

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Completely on the level of what could be expected.

Just one last, before Pandred hurls her handaxe into the void, about them flanking/rear bonuses? I cannot tell where the bug might have been facing when I launched my shot, as it wasn't specified.

Alexis Smolensk said...

From a distance, the size of the bug and its form of movement discounts flanks and rear attacks; those are primarily for large animals; the flank on this bug is about the size of a handspan, and it was 40 feet away.

Which is it, Engelhart? Move with or without caution?

Alexis Smolensk said...

Oh, and as Fjall is suddenly aware of the dizzying height, he will have to make a morale check. Please, Lothar, 2d6.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

With caution, for sure. 3 hexes into the pit.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[I have a note here that says Oddsdrakken, Petar and Valda split from the party and are making their way back to Stavanger. That is correct, yes?]

Alexis Smolensk said...

Puts you in 0706/05, Engelhart (narrow enough to be in both hexes).

Lothar Svensson said...

[That is my understanding, yes.]

Morale roll for Fjall: 7, which according to my notes matches his Morale score.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

[0706,should have specified]

Pandred said...

Since Engelhart wants to move for Embla, I'd like to shimmy up as far as I can safely (I.E, withuot needing to check Wisdom) go, either 0206 or 0306.

My bridge brothers, E and E, might consider shuffling across as quick as they can, to avoid a stun plunging them into the depths.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Fjall is fine, then. He'll start moving across behind Engelhart. Fjall's wisdom is only 10, but as long as he's following the cleric, from whom he gets a feeling of security, he's fine with moving slowly. At this point, however, if Engelhart ran away from him, Fjall would be in trouble.

Fjall is in 0606, so Pandred can consider moving behind that. Fjall is not a support for Pandred, however; I'm going to need a wisdom check for Pandred before he can move forward.

Think of it as breathing in and out, steeling yourself to get started. d20, please.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Okay, Embla, roll initiative with me. d6, please.

Embla Strand said...

That's a 5 for initiative.

Pandred said...

Alrighty then.

d20: 7

Alexis Smolensk said...

You have initiative again, Embla. Roll to hit.

Pandred, good enough. That puts you in the hex behind Fjall.

Embla Strand said...

Nat 20, with a 19 follow-up roll. 7+1(Str) base damage, which I believe quadruples to 28? Yes!

Alexis Smolensk said...

We've forgotten Willa. If I can put Willa ahead of Bergthora, while Lothar gets their equipment, I can have Willa fire this round.

Willa is Embla's hireling, so Embla you should roll for Willa also.

Embla Strand said...

Willa rolls a 19 with her bow with 3 base damage. That doubles to 6?

Alexis Smolensk said...

Oh, well, following the natural 20, Willa can hold her shot.

Nat 20 followed by a 19 is triple damage. 7+1 = 8 tripled makes 24. One dead stirge (for that is what it was, says Engelhart).

Good, this saves me from doing another map. Embla, take 20 x.p.

With patience and help, you can probably get across the bridge safely. Lothar's wisdom is 14 and he's a ranger, so he can get across under the same conditions as Engelhart.

HOWEVER, the other two hirelings, Bergthora and Willa, will have to make morale checks, else they will beg off and move to defend the entrance-way.

Lothar Svensson said...

Bergthora's morale check: 10 on the 2d6, listed at 7 on my sheet.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Bergthora is fine and can cross.

We're posting at the same time against each other, Embla. No problem. Willa doesn't fire.

Embla Strand said...

OK. Willa is a 7 on 2d6, which matches her morale.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Then we can count everyone as free to cross. I only need to know one thing before writing a new post.

Who wants to step into 1806 first?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I ask for Lothar to retrieve my sling on his way back across and lead these folks across the bridge.

(Wish I'd gotten my initial shot off and averted this whole mess.)

Engelhart Askjellson said...

That'll be me... low AC and Hp and all.

But do take some precautions, folks, someone is bound to be incoming to check on all this brouahah.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Engelhart will have to have Embla hunker down, so that the cleric can step around her; there will be no roll if you do that.

The next post is up.