I have not depicted the beetle glands on the image (it is very hard for me to create more than one light source on the program). But I have extended the illumination to compensate.
Lothar moves up on the map above; and at the very moment that he travels the very last hex, from 0812 to 0811, the four figures surrounding him all snap into life and move one hex forward, then stop in place.
They seem to be collections of wooden roots, bound together like a mass of muscles, moving together as the creatures clump forward.
Pandred should move, then whomever else will come down the stairs, before Lothar and Embla move again (as we're technically half-way through the player's round).
UPDATE: Everyone else has moved forward now. The players may move again.
Get me to 0815.
Addendum: I wasn't awake at the time but if you'd be kind enough, please consider me as having drawn and loaded the sling during Lothar's first round of descent.
I think the plan was for the archers to go down next, so the sappers will wait for now.
"We got what we wanted. Let's leave." [2AP after my movement]
I have brought everyone up to date on the map.
Please go ahead and make your next move: the four masses of roots only move forward a single hex.
I throw the lit torch in my right hand at hex 0806, then pull another out from under my left arm and light it on the lamp.
Just to declare that I intend to move no further than this. I'll simply prepare a shot at the rightmost root-beast, girating the sling.
Torches really are not meant to be thrown. If you hurl it 20 feet, Lothar, I will make a roll to see if the cloth on the end bounces off the handle and the torch snuffs.
This is just me making a general ruling at this time; I have no standing rule about this because I don't think someone has thrown a torch like this in the last decade of my running. Just now, talking to some people, the flight through the air and the contact, then roll, with the ground could snuff the torch.
As well, I have it told to me that a torch on the ground will not burn well, because you're cutting off about two thirds of its oxygen supply. Torches are not meant to burn hot, but slow, so the oil and wax soaked cloth tied around the top of the cloth has a fairly high flash point.
I won't make a throw to snuff if you toss it gently within 10 feet, but it will light a smaller area than a held torch.
Knowing this Lothar, would you like to change your action?
Yeah, I'll toss it to hex 0909 in that case.
I wrote it out as a rule on the wiki. According to the page, the chance of it snuffing out if you throw it to your original intended place, it has a 4 in 6 chance of staying alight. Sorry to mess you around on this, but do you want to change your mind again?
4 in 6 are good enough odds. I'll throw it to 0806 then.
It stays alight. I'll update the map.
There, the map is updated. The torch is lit and in Lothar's hand (4 AP, well done!).
Does anyone else want to move? The bowyers will draw their weapons and keep their ground.
I guess the only thing that matters at this point is whether or not we're going to attack these things. If we intend to leave them be for now, then it's time to beat feet.
I leave it to Lothar to decide, since it's his hp on the line.
Since Lothar is lighting up the room, I'm going to read that as Pandred waiting for Lothar to make a move; therefore, doing as Engelhart, holding your attack.
Embla, do you wish to take an action? So far, the rest of the party seems to be in defensive mode.
Oh geez, amateur hour over here, I'm sorry I didn't phrase that more directly.
I drop the javelin, draw my battleaxe [-2AP] and move to 912 [-3AP].
Thank you Embla,
None of the root-shapes move. They remain standing just where they are depicted in the picture above. I'll update Embla's position in the morning.
The party can take another round of movement.
I'll keep being on hold.
By way of experiment I move forward one hex, to 0910.
Waiting on the roots.
I also hold.
[I'm sorry. I have fallen off and I have to climb back onto this horse, don't I? Let me be clear on what my next step is for the campaign: I need to address Lothar's movement. I will do so with a new post. I give you my word that I will write this post before the end of the day and I will be back in the saddle.
Again, sorry for the delay and the inconvenience. I know you're all going to say it is all right, but I could have given notice before disappearing and you should all hold me to that. I'm as answerable as anyone]
(Alrighty, then how DARE you. Don't you know MY campaigning is at least ten times as important as anything you could be doing right now? The nerve.)
Made me burst out laughing, there.
The next post is up.
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