As Engelhart moves, so does the beetle. Pandred descends to the bottom of the ladder and takes in all the Engelhart had seen.
[Sorry, Pandred, about the image; I spent very little time on it. It is just a placeholder, for now ~ I was able to get your battle axe ready]
Actions for both of you?
Pandred will slink up to 0908 and draw out my handaxe.
I'll unsling my small shield and set it on the ground at 0908 as well, just in case someone needs one (or I do, for that matter).
With Pandred safely out of the way, I begin my descent.
Pandred, you know that a hand axe only needs one hand; you could use your shield with a hand axe. Only the battle axe needs two hands.
Embla, you'll appear on the bottom the next round; I'm more or less assuming you've started down as soon as Pandred appears on the map . . . so as he moves away from the ladder, you're descending.
I'll wait on Engelhart; I should be able to get another move started in the morning.
I appreciate the advice. The plan was to initiate by throwing alongside Embla's javelin, then switch to the larger axe for the superior to-hit chance.
As far as I know I'm already the best armored in the group, it just occurred to me that I had a shield I didn't plan to use this particular fight, so it may as well be nearby in the event someone needs it.
Oh, and look at me being ungrateful: I think my character looks pretty goddamn rad for a Placeholder Pandred, no need to apologize.
Engelhart gently touches the brow of Rowan's remains with the sign of the Cross and discreetly moves up to 0811 to do the same for Aleksandra's.
"Spy you that creature by the wall poised, maid Pandred?"
"Might not look like much, but these crawlers possess an igneous disposition to match their name and a gaggle of them..." - Engelhart points at the bodies strewn about for emphasis - "...will swarm you and unfeelingly tear you apart".
[Judging by the barrow's present state, either I'm much mistaken or we're about to embark on a major bout of good ol'overkill].
I'll rule that it takes Engelhart the round to give a benediction to the fallen Rowan.
[Sorry, all, for going AWOL for most of today. I just needed some personal time. It should be clear I've been pretty tetchy lately. I'll try to get a grip on myself]
The next post is up.
Absolutely not a problem, Alexis.
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