Friday, March 23, 2018

Round 2 ~ Tick Bite

There's not much to say.  The tick, a mindless creature, holds its ground, randomly choosing to attack Embla.  It rolls an 18, which it needs to hit AC 20.  The mouth causes only 3 damage.

Unfortunately, the creature's jaws close into the flesh of Embla's leg as it hits, grabbing fast without letting go; Embla feels the teeth sink in for a moment, before a natural anesthetic ends any feeling at all.

Embla and the tick are considered to occupy the same hex: here is the layout:

So, this is important.  Embla is not stunned; only took 3 damage.  However, she can't remove the tick from her leg by brute force; nor can she drag herself out of the hex.  The tick digs its eight feet in and will resist any attempt for Embla to move; and too much attempt might cause Embla to have a seizure.  She is now suddenly on the edge of losing a lot of blood, as the tick will being to drain her.

Embla can attack.  She is +2 to hit the tick.  It would be more, but the distress from the attack is already telling on her.  Others can also attack the tick if they wish.

If she, or anyone else, rolls a 2 or 3 with a hand weapon, it will be considered a fumble (technically a "friendly fire").  If a missile weapon or hurled weapon is used, there's a 20% chance of a friendly fire incident (any number between 2 and 5).  This danger reflects the situation: Embla is not standing still, she is flailing about, trying to attack or free herself from the creature; so others also trying to hit have a good chance of causing Embla distress.

The party should feel free to evaluate and innovate if they think of anything.

Pandred, Oddsdrakken will be able to give you your weapon at the end of the NEXT round.

Engelhart, you can attack the tick in Embla's hex without changing position.  The image above suggests otherwise, but like I said, Embla is moving around.

Note: I have long wanted to write out notes/thoughts regarding this sort of attack.  The description conforms very much to the way I've been running this for 30 years; but I've never properly sat down and described the exact rules.  Therefore, don't hesitate to argue any point that seems unreasonable.


Embla Strand said...

Well, shit.

I attack the tick. I roll a 6 to-hit, for a total of 9, which I think will hit AC 10? 6 damage, for what that is worth.

With my remaining AP, is there a way I can position my leg such that my companions can hit it more efficiently?

Pandred said...

I'll hold position for now.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Rationally, if Embla were able to remain completely still, foregoing the chance to hit, it would reduce the chance of others making a friendly fire hit (reducing the chance by one, so that a 3, for example, wouldn't cause Embla damage). I think that would require a wisdom check (less than or equal to Embla's wisdom).

Still, the tick is constantly looking for a better purchase, and the part of its body that is vulnerable to an attack is presently sunk into Embla's leg. So it doesn't give someone else the bonus to hit it gives Embla.

The tick's body is so hard it feels like hitting hardwood. Embla's attack hits the beast, but fails to do any damage.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I maul the thing in the abdomen.

I roll a 4 to miss. Close enough shave.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Just Lothar to hear from.

Lothar Svensson said...

I smack it with my quarterstaff.
Attack: 18+1 (Bless) = 19, hits AC 0
Damage: 4+1 (bonus to bludgeoning damage)= 5 total damage.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The creature suddenly lets Embla go, then falls back into 0308, legs tucking in and quivering.

It is alive, but stunned; and doesn't get a blood drain attack on Embla. If we could use second map from the last post, we could just go ahead and run another round right now.

Oddsdrakken is close to Pandred; and after everyone moves one more time, will be standing next to Pandred.

The four of you can take action.

Embla Strand said...

Nice hit, Lothar.

I attack it. 15 on the die for a total of 17 to-hit and 4 damage.

Pandred said...

I'll thank my squire as he approaches and take the axe when it's offered.

Looks like things are well in hand.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Hits and kills the tick.

You can see the room beyond; green glowing orbs. Embla will have to concentrate if she wants to benefit from her heightened senses.

Oddsdrakken catches up with Pandred and hands over his axe.

[Let me suspend giving experience for the moment. I've got a live game tomorrow afternoon and I'm going to bed soon]

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I pick up the smoldering torch and step up to the entry, so as to let us get a better look.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Which hex, Engelhart?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

0308, given that Lothar is still in 0309...

Alexis Smolensk said...

I suppose there's a chance the smoldering torch flipped off the tick's back and bounced into the room beyond, but I have no problem putting it in 0308.

I also don't have a problem with your picking up the lantern first, Engelhart; otherwise, it will be hard to see anything.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Done and done. I also pass the lantern to Oddsdrakken or someone else who might want it, no use going around with two lights and my hands full.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Oddsdrakken is not a good choice. He's very short, and the bulk of fighters in the party in large armor will create many shadows, with the halfling in the rear.

Before ridding yourself of the lantern, let me describe the room.

The next post is up.