Tuesday, June 26, 2018

2-Headed Bear Round 2 ~ Engelhart Protects the Party

The bear's rush is potentially broken by Engelhart; whereas the bear was going to attack its way through the party, it stops and bites first at the cleric, missing by hitting AC 6.  It swings with a claw, hitting with a rolled 13, causing only 3 damage.

Because it doesn't stun, the bear attacks with its other head, rolling a 17 and hitting Engelhart for 9 damage.  Since the cleric is reduced to 34 by the first hit, this second hit stuns ... but a lot of the bear's forward momentum is gone.  Engelhart, not wounded, staggers back into 0613.

Rolling randomly between Embla, Engelhart and either Lothar/Mikael for its last attack, it spends it on Engelhart.  I roll a 16 with its other paw, for 6 more damage.

HOWEVER ... that is both paws!  The bear climbs over Engelhart and mauls the cleric for an additional 13 damage.  That will wound.  I count 31 altogether.

The bear comes close enough to Embla to cause incidental damage ... the assassin takes 2 damage, which doesn't stun.  Engelhart doesn't suffer additional incidental damage.  It is also close enough to similarly affect Mikael; the mage takes 1 damage.

For a moment, before Engelhart is hit so profusely, his lantern reveals a well, a wider chamber of with piles of broken rock and carts, and perhaps the corner of another domicile.

Engelhart is stunned, and under the bear's feet, and cannot at this time guess what the bear is doing next.

The party may act.


Unknown said...

Ouch. Do cantrips cast like regular spells or do they discharge immediately?

Rob Munro said...

I cash speak with animals

Embla Strand said...

Ouch indeed.

I take 1 damage from my wound

I attack the beast with my battleaxe. I also yell at it.

12+1(STR)=13 hits AC 6, which is a miss.

Embla Strand said...

Sorry, didn't see Rob's comment. I hold.

Alexis Smolensk said...

You'll see that cantrips are measured in action points, not rounds. As long as you have the action points, the cantrip casting & discharge is included in the one measurement ~ but you can't cast a cantrip and hold it back, like a spell. If you cast it, it is automatically discharged.

Alexis Smolensk said...

I have to rate it an attack, Embla. I can't retcon that; but you missed anyway. Be careful ... last time you kept attacking while wounded you almost bled out.

Alexis Smolensk said...

You still have 2 AP left, Embla.

Embla Strand said...

Fair enough.

I retreat into 814

Alexis Smolensk said...

Lothar and Mikael should still be carrying light sources, right? Torches?

Unknown said...

Thank you. And to clarify, Rob has cast Speak with Animsls, but as of yet hasn't discharged it, right?

Unknown said...

Torch in my left hand, yes

Rob Munro said...

[ this is only the casting Embla. I will only discharge the spell next turn, if I undestood correctly how this works]

Engelhart Askjellson said...

"F...father... I can see a light..."

Unknown said...

Okay, then I cast my cantrip, Hairy, targeting the beast

Alexis Smolensk said...

You do, Rob. But next "round" ... technically, a "turn" is 10 rounds, though I rarely use that term.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Good choice, Mikael!

Rolling a d20. I roll a 17, failing its intelligence check. Before Lothar can take a swing at it, the bear turns its back and flees to 1111.

It stops there; no one takes any incidental damage.

The players can take a new, fresh round; Engelhart and Embla will both take a point of damage unless they immediately begin binding wounds.

Rob, your spell is fully cast.

Unknown said...

I cast Close Wound on Engelhart and wave Rob towards the bear

Embla Strand said...

I have no bandages on me, just some healing salves.

Engelhart Askjellson said...


I cast Aid as soon as able!

Alexis Smolensk said...

Mikael closed your wound, Engelhart, so you'll take no damage from your wound. You can cast Aid immediately, if you wish.

Embla, you can find and take a healing salve, but you'll suffer 1 damage while you do it.

Rob Munro said...

I move to 0410 and release the spell.

I soothe the creature and ask it about its potential masters.

Embla Strand said...

That's fine. I roll a 2 for the healing salve.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The bear will respond to the spell; but we should consider the knowledge it has being relayed in a manner that is not the spoken word.

What does Rob wish to know, as the two of you tilt heads, moan, scratch and crinkle facial expressions at one another, about the spell's limitations: the location of things; things that are dangerous or threatening (or friendly); and things which do, or do not, like the animal and its kind.

In five rounds, you're limited to five ideas.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Adds 1 overall and closes the wound, Embla.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[I'll wait around a bit for Rob's answer, but I'm getting into the shower first. Apart from that, this is the end of the day

[I think I'm going to start taking the first tuesday/wednesday of each month off. I hope that isn't disappointing. I'm getting more pressure from offline demands and I'm feeling I need a little time now and then to ease things off. I hope this works well enough that I can sustain the campaign for five or six months from now before feeling the need to take a hiatus]

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I've rolled 5 on 2d6, meaning it restores me of 13 measly hit points.

I gather myself as best I can. I take it the beast is ammenable to at least hear us out (I don't think we've actually even caused it any damage!).

Godspeed, Rob, I don't think we're up to a fight against this one.

Rob Munro said...

I try to ask about the location of svirfneblin.

Unknown said...

Don't forget to ask it to not murder us.

We should split up and prepare just in case.

[Whatever you need to do]

Unknown said...

I also will move to 0310, and watch the bear warily.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

[It *is* disappointing. But not as much as an hiatus would be. We'll have to go with the sustainable option, of course.]

Alexis Smolensk said...

The spell compels the beast to be friendly.

The svirfneblin are all around you. This is their home. It defends their home from outsiders.

Unknown said...


Lothar Svensson said...


[Understood about needing a break - the first week of the month seems a decent schedule, and considering here in the states next week there's a major holiday on Wednesday, it seems pretty well timed for me]

For my action, I move to 0709.

Rob Munro said...

[Here. Understood about the breaks. Better to spread the session but keep some energy.]

I take some food out of my pack and offer it. I try to convey that we're not a threat and are friendly.

Alexis Smolensk said...


It conveys that it ate and is not hungry. You are a threat because you are here. It must be loyal to its masters.

I'll count that as two separate ideas; two inquiries left.

Rob Munro said...

I make sign to my companion to retreat in the tunnel, and do so myself, while still facing it.

As we are not here anymore, are we still a threat?

Unknown said...

I retreat down the corridor

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I retreat, leaning my frame on the maul.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Once out of sight, I'll cast Cure Light Wounds, regaining 8 hp.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Before everyone paints themselves ten rounds down the hall, I'd like to point out we're still doing this one round at a time.

Those backing away, you've moved just one round of AP. [and I do wish as a party that the players could stop taking the stance, "Once this happens, I do this." I would much rather we just waited to find out if something happens, and THEN explain what you're doing. I'm not here saying, "Once the spell wears off, the bear is going to kill everyone." If I can resist living in the future, so can all of you. Please. It would make this go much easier.]

Rob, last round (as warning others does use up time)

Rob Munro said...

Still moving away,
I ask about the location of froglings.

Unknown said...

I understand. I never meant it as more than "I back up as far as my AP allows." I have 4 AP and can exit the map.

Alexis Smolensk said...

After two rounds of movement, the party will have moved away, at most, 8 hexes from their location on the map above.

The bear's answer will be, no froglings, no froglings anywhere, all dead, and never any of them here.

Whereupon I will need an initiative roll. I roll a 6.

Rob, please roll a d6.

Rob Munro said...

I roll a 4.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The bear rushes at the party. I go to write another post.

Rob Munro said...

[Well, at least we tried...]

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.