The froglings are not surprised; I have given the party the initiative, but the creatures are able to react fast and move ~ though the frog targeted by Willa and Lothar has fallen out of sight behind the log.
Froglings leap onto 0707, 0807 and 0906, the last one diving into the space low, to keep under the tree. A frogling speeds down the path before leaping up into a tree above her, in 0510; the creature is about 8 feet above Valda. The last one disappears into the bush; you're not even sure which side of the path it dives into, as you're distracted by frogs leaping at you.
None of these frogs are able to attack, however, as they are somewhat slowed by their spears (they'd have time to slash with a claw, but they're holding the weapons instead).
Here's their position:
Following the party's action, the map appears as this (two froglings unaccounted for):
And the experience so far earned:
I'll drop my Crossbow and draw out my Battleaxe.
That's all my AP.
Can I see the frog I struck with my bolt? I know they had multiple attacks, but I was really hoping they'd be sent sprawling, and I'd like to correct this error of fate soon.
The one Pandred hit seems to have been the one that ran into the bush.
I drop my bow and draw my longsword. Dropping my bow will bring me to 4 AP, do I get all of those this round, or do I have to wait until next round to take advantage of the increased speed?
Next round. That is the practical method, clarifying any further contingencies of changing movement speed mid-round.
Can't let the bastard get away! Someone help me murder all these frogs so I can find him!
Did I see where the one Pandred hit went?
Do I count as being engaged with the top frogling, in 0906?
If so, I swing at him with my maul, rolls pending.
Embla, your question has been answered already. Please read the comments and post.
Engelhart, you are counted as engaged. Go ahead and swing; but among the trees, your maul is likely to catch branches or strike the nearby tree trunk. We'll rule that a miss will count as entangling.
I don't have AP to give Odds any orders, is he cowering in place or getting out of here?
Shamefully I didn't have the prescience to dictate some sort of protocol for things like this.
Bergthora shifts around to hex 0811. That will cost 4 AP due to the trees, and the other frog is too far above Valda for her to attack it with her sword.
Fjall moves up to hex 1006, which will again cost 4 AP, but he's at least in position now.
Without your telling him, Odds will take your crossbow and begin loading the first round of its reloading. He will back off until he is two hexes behind you, in 1008.
Moves for Bergthora and Fjall noted. Valda will pick up a rock the size of her fist and throw it at the frogling. Please roll a d20.
That hits. Roll d4.
Doesn't stun, but it felt that. I trust you don't see that as a bad thing.
For the record, I'm going to be checking the campaign continuously tomorrow after noon EST. Don't just write a comment tomorrow and then disappear for 3 hours. If I don't see a response from players over a long time I'm going to skip you or roll for you in favor of players who are here to play.
This is my 3rd Friday of being on call, so you should be expecting it. You've been warned.
My attack roll, then:
To-hit: 14, modified to 15 (Bless)
Damage: 8.
I've 2 AP left, I take it I cannot shift into 1006, due to being simultaneously engaged & it being difficult terrain, right?
I'm sorry for holding this up.
In that case, I stand up [2AP], and move to 706 [2+1AP].
A question, for my tactical benefit, Alexis: what would you rule that entangling my maul would imply, exactly?
(At work)
Englehart, you hit and stun the frogling, so there's no penalty for being engaged. As far as getting your weapon entangled, we'll call it a two AP penalty.
Alright, then I do shift into 1006. That'll make room for the hireling behind me to close the ranks and bring his attack to bear next turn.
[came home, ate, wrote, now I'm finally addressing this from earlier]
Engelhart, the frogling you stunned will tumble backward into 0806 - no telling on whether or not he took further damage from this or made his dexterity check (how would you know?).
Fjall will move up and take control of 0906, but that takes up his full movement.
Oops!! No he won't. Lothar already had Fjall move, so I'll let Lothar's call stand. So there are no ranks to fill that hex, Engelhart, at least not this round.
AND (confusing, as I pull this apart), Engelhart cannot move into 1006, because that is the hex that Lothar already called for Fjall.
That still leaves Engelhart with 2 AP.
I can't update my map while I am at work, but I feel a strong need to respond if I'm able. But the players have GOT to start reading each other's posts.
You are ALL doing a lot better. Engelhart and I have stopped going head to head, you're doing great at organizing yourselves and jumping in without needing permission, the game is going faster and I'm having a really great time. There's just this one bit of overlook that's a stumbling block. Hang in there, all, we're getting a handle on this.
You're absolutely right, I apologize for I did not read the comments properly.
I'll be honest, there are so many retainers by now (in previous combats fewer of them were present) that my eyes simply glaze over the names when I'm scanning the proceeds. I didn't read the name tag of the fellow beside me and thus had no conception of what he might do.
Anyhoo, I'll close the ranks and move into 0906 myself, of course; It is the obvious course of action.
[I'm here. Just a few minutes, please]
Embla, your move makes no sense. You're in 0810. 0706 is down and off the ledge; to get there you'd have to move through Willa and Petar, then leap into 0708, make a dex check, then move three hexes around the bottom of the ledge. You don't have the move for that, given that the jump and recovery will end your round.
I'm going to rule that you're undecided and that you do nothing.
The post above is updated with the party's movement and x.p. gained. Working on the next post. Should be soon.
The next round is FINALLY up. Damn. That took forever.
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