Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Ice Lake Round 20 ~ Scattered Mayhem

Embla, isolated now, is attacked from 1623.  The larva rolls a 2, missing.

Engelhart is attacked from 1823, which rolls a 5, missing.  And also by 1723, moving from 1624.  This larva rolls a 9 and misses.

Lothar is attacked by 2025, which rolls a 4 and misses.  He is also attacked on the flank by 1926, which rolls a modified 11.  Also misses.

Mikael is not attacked.

Rob is attacked by 1725, which rolls a 17, hitting the druid for 2 damage.  That will stun and push him into Mikael's hex.

The party can act now, excepting Rob.

Following the party's action, the positions are as follows:

And experience so far:


Lothar Svensson said...

I attack 1926.

Attack: 8+1=9, hits AC 9.
Damage: 4+1=5

Gorsh Dorgnit!

Alexis Smolensk said...

That destroys 1926, which had 2 hp left.

Lothar Svensson said...

Awesome! I thought for sure that would miss.

Unknown said...

I guide Rob to 2025, and pick up my mithril dart Englehart was kind enough to kick to me.

I spend 2 AP and swing my Mithril Dart at 2025, my attack roll is a natural 20 (!),dealing 8 damage. (Second roll was a 19; does that triple damage?)

Rob Munro said...

thanks Mikael

Alexis Smolensk said...

oh damn, Lothar, it does miss. Must be the temperature here, I thought you rolled a 19; I must have confused the text with the "1926" just above it in my mind. You know, I am a really old person.

Mikael, you picked up your mithril dart last round ... so you have 5 AP. Rob's AP cost takes up your maneuvering of him (2025 is full of larva, so I'll count that as 2024), so you use 2 AP to destroy 2025. That leaves 3 AP. You're using both hands as an ambidexter, so you can move to 1923 and attack 1823. If Engelhart reads this, he can focus on 1723.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I go at 1823.

Attack roll: 14

Damage roll: 5

I then shift to 1724.

Alexis Smolensk said...

To finish that thought, Mikael can move with only 1 AP because the destruction of 2025 means no combat hex penalty on his movement; there's no AP cost to move into a combat hex, like 1823. He would be -2 to hit with his secondary dart, however.

OR, Mikael could retire to a safe distance with three hexes and prepare a spell/cantrip, at last.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Oh well. Engelhart destroyed 1823. So much for that idea.

Rob Munro said...

So, on which hex do I end up? I have a preference for 1923.

Unknown said...

I am at a loss for what spell would even be helpful, I will stay in melee to help finish the threat off.

Embla Strand said...

I swing at 1623

Alexis Smolensk said...

I hadn't thought of Mikael's lowered dexterity. Some DM I am.

So, I'll wait on a final word on Mikael's remaining movement, and for Embla to get back to us. She might not be able to roll still, so I'll just give her 15 minutes to confirm she's attacking 1623. I could use a quick shower to cool down. Be back in 10.

Unknown said...

I move Rob to 1923 and stay put. I will ready both my darts as I may make a double attack next round, even at a -2/-4.

Thank you for reminding me of my options. I am a bit swamped at work and not thinking clearly.

Lothar Svensson said...

[With 12 second combat rounds, we've been at this for 4 solid minutes. That's a long time to be in sheer terror.]

Alexis Smolensk said...


Embla swings at 1623 and misses with a natural 6.

Working on the update.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Update done. Working on the next post.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.