Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Ice Lake Round 22 ~ The End of a Long Fight

Three attacks.

Against Engelhart, I roll an 8 and miss.

Against Mikael, I roll a 5 and miss.

Against Lothar, I roll a 7 and miss.

Easy peasy.  The party can act.


Unknown said...

I spend 2 AP and swing my Mithril Dart at 1725, my modified attack roll is 14 hitting AC 7 and dealing 2 damage.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I go for 1723.

Attack roll: 14

Damage roll: 8

Alexis Smolensk said...

[see if there's something you can do about the long spaces after your comments, Mikael]

You hit, Mikael, stunning 1725 and throwing it into 1626.

Engelhart destroys 1723.

Unknown said...

Will do, sorry

Rob Munro said...

I move 1724 and swing at 1725.

attack 15
dmg 4

Alexis Smolensk said...

Rob; look at the comments section, not just the map. There's nothing in 1725.

[sorry to bust your chops, people; i'm just training you to be better players]

Lothar Svensson said...

1926, one more time.

Attack: 5+1=6, hits AC 12. Woo. Apparently my sword arm is getting tired...
Damage: 5+1=6, for the record.

Alexis Smolensk said...

One left can still kill you, Lothar.

Rob Munro said...


Then I move to 1725 and swing at 1626. [should I reroll?]

Alexis Smolensk said...

Grin. Nah, you can keep the roll. Hits, knocks it into 1525.

Waiting on Embla. She can get in this by adjusting her axe (1 AP) and then throwing it.

Lothar Svensson said...

For the record, I'm totally down with some kill stealing right now.

Lothar Svensson said...

Also, I still have 2 AP... I use that to move back into hex 1924.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Well, I'd like to finish this today. Let's skip an update and I'll put up the next post; and Embla can miss the round.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.