Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ice Lake Round 16 ~ a Gap Opens

For a moment, the creatures are split into two groups; but understandably, the party doesn't want to break ranks, at least not this round, as they're still protecting the mage.

1625 moves to 1624, so that three creatures attack Embla.  1623 misses with a 10, while 1624 misses with a 12.  1722 then misses with a 2, and Embla survives another round.

1822 moves into 1823, and randomly chooses to attack Engelhart, so that there are three on the cleric.  There's quite a little ring surrounding the poor fellow.  1823 misses with a 10, while 2023 misses with a modified 9.  2024 misses with a modified 12 and Engelhart continues to appreciate his armor class.

Two attack the ranger.  1723 misses with a 6 and 1826 misses with an 8.

There are no attacks on the mage, though 1626 does move forward two to plug the gap and engage Mikael.

Rob is attacked only by 2025, which rolls a 13, hitting the druid.  He takes 6 damage, stunning him and throwing him into Mikael's hex again.  2025 moves forward into Rob's hex.

However, it does open a gap that is not filled, even as a creature in the second rank waiting to attack Engelhart begins to move around to fill it.

Following the party's move, the positions stand as follows:

The experience so far:


Alexis Smolensk said...

[I am sorry that the combat did not get finished this week. At least it has gone from "oh my god, there are too many," to "nearly there, nearly there."]

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I attack 1823.

Attack roll: 15

Damage roll: 2+1

Lothar Svensson said...

I swing around to attack 1924.

Attack: 7=1=8, hits AC 10 which I believe is a miss.
Damage: 1+1=2 just in case.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Engelhart stuns, but 1722 stops the creature from falling backwards (these are heavier than you are, and won't be driven back if there's a second rank of support).

Lothar misses.

[I've created another post for some notes and any questions, please do have a look at it]

Embla Strand said...

I swing at 1722.

Rob Munro said...

I am stunned ...

Unknown said...

I can't take any action unless Embla kills one adjacent to me

Alexis Smolensk said...

Lothar, can you move so Mikael can?

Lothar Svensson said...

Yeah, I slide over to 1925.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[so noted]

Embla rolls a 14 and hits 1623 for 4 damage, destroying it.

[we'll continue next tuesday. Thanks all!]

Rob Munro said...

[ I hope we survive and mikael and me will see level 2 ]

Unknown said...

I guide Rob to 1825 and swing at 1924.

Mod attack: 13
Mod damage: 2

If slain, I spin to face 1724

Unknown said...

[I look forward to continuing next week. I am so close to managing to survive this, but our line has fallen to shambles]

Alexis Smolensk said...

[be sure and see my comment on the hiatus for notes post]

Lothar Svensson said...


Unknown said...


Embla Strand said...

[Here as well]

Rob Munro said...


Alexis Smolensk said...

[here. getting myself sorted out; 20 minutes]

Engelhart Askjellson said...

[I'm here]

Alexis Smolensk said...

Okay, I think I've accounted for all the moves. I'm updating the post above.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The post above is updated. Working on the next round.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.