Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Ice Lake Round 7 ~ The Circle Closes

Mikael started in 1924; a red X shows where the first hit on Mikael took place.  Arrows
show the movement of creatures moving up on the party, with one missing ~ the creature in 1725
came from 1425, I just forgot to put the arrow in.
Moving clockwise from Rob ... two creatures move adjacent to Rob and Embla, and each is attacked once.

The attacker on Rob swings wildly, rolls a natural 1, and loses its balance on the ice.  There's no bonus for Rob the following round, but the attack fails.

Embla's attacker rolls an 18, hitting for 3 damage

There's no attack on Lothar.

Engelhart is attacked twice, from 1922 and 2023.  The first rolls an 8, missing.  The other rolls a 1, and also loses its balance on the ice.  Both rolls adjusted by the curse, but I can't roll less than a fumble.

Mikael is attacked twice, from 2024 and 2025.  The first rolls a natural 20, which is then followed by a 19.  I don't believe that Mikael is wearing a helmet or a steel skullcap, in which case the damage is tripled.  I roll a 2 for damage, which is unaffected by the curse ... it causes 6 damage total.  Mikael is stunned by the blow, and thrown back into Lothar's hex.

The second attack would have been a 14, which would have also hit Mikael ... but the mage is lucky in that, by falling back, the creature loses its reach.  It moves into 1924, however, filling the hex as Mikael falls out of it.

The Players can act.

Following their move, the positions stand as shown:

Experience so far:


Unknown said...

Ouch. I am at 1 hp.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[but almost 2nd level!]

Lothar Svensson said...

With 4 AP do I have enough move to pull a healing salve out of my pouch, give it to Mikael, and then move into hex 1825?

Unknown said...

[If I die, know this: I regret being cheap and not buying a skullcap "because it is only a 1-in-200 chance of being relevant."]

Alexis Smolensk said...

Obtaining an object pocketed or tied is 4 AP, on the wiki:

So you can get the salve out, but you won't have time to give it to Mikael or get out of the hex.

He's not bleeding; he may be at 1 hp but he's not on the edge of death. If you don't seize 1825, you'll be crushed into four hexes and two of you will be unable to fight.

Rob Munro said...

I swing at the one in 1725.
attack roll : 17 (hitting AC 3)
damage roll : 5

[all this luck on the dice will end at the worst possible moment, I feel it]

Lothar Svensson said...

In that case, I move into 1825, then attack the slug in 1924.

Attack: 5+1=6, hits AC 12. Och, well it was bound to happen sooner or later. Hopefully it pulls his attention anyway.
Damage: 6+1=7, just because I rolled it at the same time.

Unknown said...

Fight, don't worry about me. That was just a lucky hit.

Embla Strand said...

I swing at 1722.

18 on the die is 20, which hits AC -1 and deals 7 damage.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Rob, the creature in 1725 is killed and evaporates. It had 4 hp left.

Lothar misses.

1722 evaporates. It had 1 hp left.

Waiting on Engelhart.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I go for the one in 1924.

Attack roll: 2.

Hot diggity.

Unknown said...

I have a question about one of my cantrips, Moan: a ten foot circle is a hex and all adjacent hexes, right? Also, as ll creatures within its area of effect stop fighting for a round as long as they aren't attacked?

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.

You're correct in the spell description, Mikael, but you have good reason to believe that these creatures are not subject to morale checks. They are clearly unearthly, and they seem to be acting without any sense or relationship to each other. Note that none of the creatures moves to make room for another. Or that stunned creatures are not switched with reinforcements, but rather stubbornly remain in the hex where they were stunned. There seems a certain intelligence, or awareness, but it is plainly low or semi, in the 4 to 5 intelligence range.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the clarification, there goes that idea

Alexis Smolensk said...

Bet you wish you'd saved that armor spell for yourself.

Unknown said...

Let's just say I have made many mistakes and today may be the day I pay for them.