Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Weather Worsens as Lothar Returns

Date: 1pm Saturday, April 30, 1650
Location: Store Stokka, Rogaland
Weather: a gentle breeze is blowing from the east, with brisk weather, verging on chilly. The sky is overcast.  Feels like 40 F/ 5 C.

Coming again to the party that stayed in the woods, the camp is fine and safe and you have no encounters.  Through the night, there were moments of scant rainfall, which came down as a light rain just after midnight, just enough to dampen everything.  But the party, I think, has a tent.  They usually sleep eight, so this was just an inconvenience.  Beginning in the mid morning, there is a continuous scant rain that starts and stops.

As you awake the next morning the temperature is definitely chilly, just above freezing in fact.  You slap yourselves to keep warm, build up a fire, eat some hot food, crawl in and out of the tent to keep out of the rain and try to feel better.  Please, everyone (including Lothar and Fjall), I will need the party and followers to please eat 6 lbs. of food each to compensate for the combat yesterday.  [I updated the food rules months ago, so we should use the adjusted numbers on the wiki].  You can make up for this with the food that arrives with Lothar, if you're short on your own.

Lothar will arrive without an encounter, hungry probably.  He and Fjall are wet and tired as they enter camp at 1pm.  Rain clouds are beginning to drop a steady light rain, enough to douse a torch, so the overall environment is unpleasant to say the least.  Within 20 minutes of the pair's arrival, everything not under the tent is thoroughly wet.


Embla Strand said...

Alexis, we have 2 tents - one small and one large.

Petar, Willa, and I enjoy our potatoes and cheese, and will enjoy 3 oranges when Lothar returns. We have 9 more pounds of potatoes, if people are in need.

What effects will the rain have on our travel to and from the barrow? Is the ground turning into mud?

Alexis Smolensk said...

The camp that Lothar chose will have excellent drainage, so it won't be muddy. It will have shelter from trees and rock, so wind won't threaten the tents.

For food purposes, count a pint of small beer or other liquid as half a pound of food.

Small beer, incidentally, is a very light alcohol beer, healthier than drinking town water.

Pandred said...

Two pints of smallbeer, some salted cod with onions and potatoes, and slap some oatmeal on the whole ordeal.

If our hireling is going to be resting for the next few days, do we think there's anything to be gained by doing the same? If Engelhart rolls well on a heal, I think there's enough to spread around that a trip down into the cavern is managable.

But we could play safe and just sit tight for a day or two if folks are worried about not being in tiptop shape. As long as we're already up here, right?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I say we get a move on.

This weather turn signals the camp becoming untenable soon.

Embla Strand said...

I don't know if that's the weather situation - Alexis' comments about this being a good campsite (with good drainage and protection from the wind) run counter to our campsite getting wrecked.

I am a little concerned about our food situation - we have enough right now for another day or two, but that margin vanishes if we spend another couple of days recuperating. I vote for proceeding, leaving a couple people behind to watch the campsite and donkey.

Pandred said...

Alright. I assume the go-team is the main party plus some. With Valda staying behind, who are we bringing?

Alexis Smolensk said...

It is a question of the 18 lbs. of food you're eating a day if you rest, Pandred.

Do you wish to retain the services of Svaldifari for the remainder of the month? You've paid for them. He could be useful if there is treasure to haul back. He will also need 2 lb. per day if he's resting.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Regarding the weather.

The camp will survive, it is in a good place. I'm going to rule [for the first time ever] that any rainfall lasting more than 3 hours, experienced in the outdoors will cause damage = 1 h.p./mm falling. This includes being in a tent. Without a tent, I'd double it.

You can avoid it by getting underground, but whoever remains on the surface will not heal today. (sum total of rest + rain = 0).

Alexis Smolensk said...

Fjall is going to remain with Valda. If you wish to keep Svaldifari, he will also remain at the camp. You might want to consider lightening your load if you aren't carrying stuff with you to the barrow. Remember how long it may take to come back if you're heavily laden with treasure!

Embla Strand said...

In that case, what do Bergthora and co. have to say about digging a tunnel into the barrow and moving our campsite in there?

Alexis Smolensk said...

[though it is only a distance of 0.5 miles between barrow and this camp]

Alexis Smolensk said...

In this limestone, they could make a 10 foot square shaft that was 3 feet deep in about four days. If they had the tools. Which they don't. They have two soft earth picks, no shovels, and they would expect to break one pick a day against this sort of rock. They need metal rock bores and sledges for this.

"Would make more sense to widen the hole at the top of the barrow!" says Bergthora. She feels she could do that, but the whole barrow might collapse. But there's no need, since you're not moving anything through the present hole that wouldn't fit.

Valda will mention that you don't know what sort of disease might be found in the spoor of the beetles you killed. "I wouldn't want to live in it," she adds.

Lothar Svensson said...

Is someone tracking all of our food in one place?

Pandred said...

I don't think so. Is there anyone who would like to volunteer for creating a page on the drive for it?

Shouldn't be the hardest if we make a point of standardizing our rations from here on out.

Lothar Svensson said...

I've put together a tab on my character sheet creatively labeled "Food" that I think would work; I'm not sure of the current level of rations we have however.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

None in my present inventory, no.

I've always relied on the kindness of strangers. That means that I've not bought any food since the campaign's beginning, though I've probably helped shoulder the burden of its transport (off the tracking record).

Lothar Svensson said...

I feel I should also make known, since it seemed to be missed, that with the sale of the remaining glands, I upgraded the keg from small beer to regular ale (5%). Also don't forget that if you need a quick infusion of HP, getting a bit sloshed will give bonus hit points.

Lothar Svensson said...

Also, I copied my Food tab into a separate Google Sheet. I think I've got it set up so it will "automatically" calculate how much food we have based on some simple inputs.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

You rock, Lothar.

Embla Strand said...

Lothar, this form is great. Would you be willing to modify it to indicate the current location of each food item (camp, character's backpack, the donkey, etc.)?

Lothar Svensson said...

I've added columns for location. Everyone should be able to edit it, so if you want to update quantities/locations you may. I've put some clarifications in notes over the date and the Protein Orig. Qty. headings for how to use it day-to-day.

On a different note, I'm up for heading back to the tomb ASAP. We need some treasure to continue funding this project.

Lothar Svensson said...

(The reason I've split it up into protein, carbs and greens is that's how I run my home game, lacking in one area over time means a reduction in ability scores, depending on which group is neglected.)

Alexis Smolensk said...

[I'm here. I was out looking for work ~ Fridays are the best day. I haven't seen the food page yet, but it is sounding like I don't have to do as much DMing if the party is going to help out]

You don't know yet if it is going to rain this afternoon. It might stop, in which case you won't take damage today. I need to know:

1) Are you going to keep Svaldifari as a porter? Otherwise, he'll start back to Stavanger.

2) Are you good to head back underground right now, or do you want to wait a day?

Let's address these two things first. If you already have and I missed it, sorry. Just poke me again.

Embla Strand said...

Let's keep Svaldifari.

Let's head to the barrow for more spelunking!

Lothar Svensson said...

I can take or leave Svaldifari. He might be handy if we get something heavy, but he's also another mouth to feed.

I am good to head back underground. Still down 2 HP so if a casting of Cure Light is happening I'd like to be in on it, but still good with going back down.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[Heh. I'm going to start giving x.p. penalties for non-answers; we should try to establish a default for moments like "I can take or leave" things: either it actually means no or it actually means yes]

Lothar Svensson said...

How's this then: I vote no on Svaldifari.

I don't think we need to keep him around, we have a donkey. 9 people is plenty to feed.

I'm not sure why I feel as though I have to justify my choice (I'm sure I don't actually have to, but it feels required for rejecting him), but it's probably related to my reluctance to dismiss him out of hand even though I don't think he will provide any further material value to the endeavor. Interesting (maybe?) observation of the human condition here.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I say send the man back on his way and let us move along.

Alexis Smolensk said...

He received 3 g.p. for one day's work! He's happy. It's the name. You like the name.

Okay, let's say the party has moved along, as Engelhart says.

Please let me know if anyone has anything they'd like to add or discount from the following:

The party leaves Valda and Fjall back at camp. They unload (or don't unload) whatever they prefer. I'm fairly sure the party won't be taking the beer. Some or none of the party has a drink of the beer (8 oz. = 1 pint), enough to need to make a check against flushed intoxication. Be sure you check the link! Some might want to try drinking more.

The bulk of the party moves back to the descending chamber. The rope is added to bring the cage sufficiently down to the lower platform.

The next thing to note would be to see if you can get enough people on without challenging the break-strength of 900 lbs. Some of this is subject to the strength of knots and the make of the rope, so it MAY bear more than 900 lbs. or not as much as 900 lbs. I'm working out a die roll right now, that I'm not going to explain until after you risk ourselves. The roll will be NEAR 900 lbs., however, give or take.

How many want to climb on?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I'm in.

I'll also have indulged in some brew, up 'til I become flushed (should I roll?).

Other than that, I cast Bless upon the party.

Alexis Smolensk said...

To keep track of how much beer is left, we need to see how much you have to drink, Engelhart. At 171 lb., as a human, you need to roll a 13 to save against flush. Roll until you fail, record on Lothar's table how many pints it took.

Pandred said...

I'm just over two-hundred pounds with all my gear in tow.

As far as I'm aware, with my various weapons, armors, and that shield I've got, that should put me as one of the heavier members of our crew.

Seems like descending can be done in teams of two with a relative assured safety. Does 400-450lbs a trip sound correct to everyone?

Embla Strand said...

My orc bones are bigger than human ones. I weigh about 280lbs with all of my gear.

Pandred said...

Alright, so Embla can ride alone.

I'll ride with Lothar, since he's very light, even with gear.

Engelhart, I assume you're not overburdened, but I'm not certain. So you can ride with one of the thinner hirelings.

That leaves another duo to ride down together. I can only hope our remaining hirelings are less than 300 pounds apiece.

Is there anyone who wants to put their foot in for first ride? Relatively certain the hireling duo will grumble strenuously if we even suggest it.

Embla Strand said...

I'll go down first [then Alexis can have his "Embla's Walk" post].

Also, who are we leaving behind to man the winch? I feel like Petar or Willa would be the best choice.

Alexis Smolensk said...

I see you're being ridiculously overconcerned, so I will publish the rule I plan to use for the rope.

I will roll 3d6, with the numbers being ten pound intervals from 830 to 980 lbs. If I roll a "3," the rope is unnaturally weak and I will subtract another 10-60 from the breakweight. If I roll an "18," I will do the reverse, increasing the breakweight by 10-60 lbs.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

@Pandred: roughly forty pounds of gear (leaving my jacket and backpack behind in the winch-room) + mine own unavoidable 171 lb. bulk.

I'll go right down with Embla. The breakweight more than allows it and there's no sense in anyone going alone into what might be danger (Alexis: by your reckoning, the cage will take how many rounds to go up and down again?).

Regarding drinks... well, I think I've gone and indulged in a bit of good'ole conspicuous consumption.

I rolled a 19 (!), followed by a 20 (!!), followed by a 14 and finally a 9. I didn't want to single-handedly drain the whole barrel, but went back and checked and it seems like it's not entirely out of line with a person's share.

Beam us down, Mr.Smolensk.

Alexis Smolensk said...

I'd say about 10 feet per round, the winch handling all the weight but also determining the speed.

You'll need two people to stay up here AFTER the party bulk is downstairs. Two because something might happen, meaning a defender while someone else hauls up the cage.

I presume you'll want to pick two followers from among the bowmen Willa and Petar or the sapper Bergthora.

Did I understand that correctly: that the first trip would be just Embla and Engelhart?

Embla Strand said...

Yes, just Engelhart and myself.

[this is when a porter might have been helpful]

Given the fact that none of us are particularly underground-savvy, I suggest we take Bergthora with us, leaving Willa and Petar behind.

Lothar Svensson said...

Me and my gear total to 154 lbs.

I've got my sword, shield and quarterstaff, while in my backpack I've a spare sack (that smells slightly of potatoes), 50 ft each of rope and twine and a healing salve. Fully loaded I am down 2 AP, but I can drop my pack and staff and be up at full no problem.

I am willing to share the cage with Pandred. I'd prefer to bring Bergthora with us and leave Petar and Willa to command the winch. She's got good hit points and I think melee fighters will be more valuable down there than archers.

Sorry I can't speak to whether Embla is willing to ride down with Engelhart or not.

Alexis Smolensk said...

I meant, since the cage will carry the weight of three or four of you easily, do you really intend to go just two at a time? Will Bergthora go with one of the two groups stipulated or would you rather she took a car by herself?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Hhm, 20-odd rounds sure is a lot of time to be down while we wait for the whole party to link up.

I suggest we take the flaming pot with us for some ambient lighting on the landing platform.

Also, 100 feet of distance implies even bowshot will be tricky so we'll be pretty much on our own.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

C'mon, guys, let's take the hint and leave all unnecessary weight behind up here and let us descend the four together.

Even if we die a screaming death, think of the original TPK story we'll have to tell.

Embla Strand said...

Fair enough! I slim down to 235lbs. total and crowd into the cage.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Please give me lists of what's being left behind with Willa and Petar.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

- Fur coat (wolf)

- Backpack (cowhide)

- chausses, linen
- hauberk, linen
- chemise, cotton
- candle (votive), beeswax
- dice, bone

Alexis Smolensk said...

What are you wearing for armor, Engelhart?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Leather, plus my shield.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Explanation: I once thought that the hauberk and chausses would supplement even leather with the extra padding, but I since realized it was not the case, which left me with a useless purchase to lug around until I get the funds to acquire an armour that necessitates it.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Not necessarily. The two bowmen, Willa and Petar, have NO armor; and it is common to provide armor for followers.

Will you allow one of them to wear it?

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Oh, for sure!

Slap it on one of them, if the size permits.

Embla Strand said...

Alexis, I believe both Petar and Willa have leather armor already.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Right. I'd forgotten they were made with the background generator, which has not been updated to match the new mercenaries wiki page. Okay. Well, I'll take the heat for the unnecessary hauberk and chausses and give Engelhart 27 s.p.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

No need, Alexis, I did not ask for that, elsewise I'd have buggered you long ago, back when I noticed.

Like I said, they're advance purchases for when I get adequate armour.

Alexis Smolensk said...

One of the realities of running a continuously advancing game of D&D, Engelhart, is that now and then the process of locking the rules down will cause some inconsistency in game play.

As a DM, when I discover these things, I fix them. This has nothing to do with you asking for a concession. This isn't a concession. This is a result of my adjusting the rules regarding leather armor, without your knowing this in advance, and now I'm correcting the discontinuity.

I'm taking responsibility as a DM over my world. Please don't get in the way of that, just take the 27 s.p. and recognize that this is what I do when I feel something is inaccurate.

When you want better armor, you can buy the padded armor then. For the present, take the money.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Putting that aside.

I'd like to get a confirmation from Pandred and Lothar that all four of you will go together. I'd like to get the list of stuff that Embla leaves in the descending chamber.

Embla Strand said...

I leave behind:

thieves pick
cloak, wool cloth

Pandred said...

I'll confirm. The only thing I leave behind is my rabbit fur coat.

Puts me just under 200lbs.

I'll pre-winch the crossbow on the trip down. Engelhart, have we distributed another round of healing from our rest? If not, I'm still sitting at 10hp.

Lothar Svensson said...

Anything I didn't want to take down I left at the camp. I'm good to go, same weight as before: 154 lbs. I could use another 2 HP if it's up for grabs after Pandred is healed; whenever that happens.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I cast Cure Light Wounds for 4 + 2 on d4 = 6, think that gets Pandred up to full health?

Embla Strand said...

I would love a little of that as well, if possible.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[Sorry if it feels I'm dragging my feet, all. Just trying to handle other details for other things. I'm going to take a general rest today from the game, if you're good]

I'll count all four of you being lowered into the chamber, holding the edges of the cage. I don't know if you've decided to take the pot or not. Bergthora would prefer to hold a torch ~ and seeing as how she's seen Engelhart cast the light spell, she'll say, "You can light the place up if we get into trouble, yes?"

Pandred said...

That would put me at maximum, but I'm willing to stay at 14 or so if the extra point of hp would make my brothers in arms feel safer.

Someone among us still has a salve by my count as well. That's not a suggestion to use it, just a note that we've still got backup.

Now let's get down there and see what else this cavern has to offer.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

To me it's much the same. Be it so, then, 4 healing points for Pandred, 1 for each of my other companions.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[just give me another day, fellas; I'm undergoing some self-care just now]

Alexis Smolensk said...

There is a new post in place.