Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Kennel Round 8 ~ Oh, no! Bergthora!

Starting with incidental damage.  Both Engelhart and Bergthora will take a point of damage.

Embla bleeds 1 point.  As she is now at -1, her stats all drop 10%.  Her THACO and move are unaffected, but her strength is now 15.  With her charisma dropping to 8, her expressions are probably less-Lady-like than usual (and yes, that's a sexist joke).

As before, the beast will go after whomever seems most threatening.  Bergthora is close and did the same damage as Lothar; so she will get the bite.  I roll a 19 on her.  I'm wincing now, as this has the potential to kill her outright.  Picking up the dice ... and she takes 9 damage.  Whew.

That drops her to zero and the beast flips his head and tosses her two hexes into 0604.  With the incidental damage (which will count as the toss), she's at -1.  Still conscious, not bleeding ... but it hurt a lot.  Bergthora doesn't have a level, so she is dead at -4 hp.  So this was close.

The beast will move into 0502 and attack Lothar with a claw.  It rolls a 5, missing.  Rolling incidental damage against Lothar, I get no damage.

In it's bloodlust, the beast has turned its back on Embla.

Embla, don't even think about a backstab or assassination; it knows you're there and can't be surprised.  You can have a +2 bonus if you want it, though.

Fjall WILL attack.  He's just seen Bergthora almost killed and he won't be thinking about his own life at this time.

You won't get a better chance than this.  I am merely following my rule of attacking the most threatening ... that's what led it out to attack  Lothar and not Engelhart.  Rest assured, I would have rather kept its back to the wall ~ but this is a crazed beast, not a high intelligence military officer ... so it has gotten careless here.

Following the player's actions, here are the positions:

And the experience thus far:


Engelhart Askjellson said...

I slide into 0402, that way the beast will pretty much always have its back to /someone/.

Attack roll: 4.


Lothar Svensson said...

Fjall moves to 0603 and swings away with the shortsword.

Attack: 6.

Lothar swings his longsword.

Attack: 16. Hits AC 3.
Damage: 2.

Come on, Embla!

Embla Strand said...

OK. I move into 503 and attack with the battleaxe.

I rolled a 4 to-hit.

Sorry, folks.

Alexis Smolensk said...

I have updated the post above. Working on the next round.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Oops. We forgot Bergthora. Can't do the next round until she's sorted.

Getting stunned is a morale check. Her morale is 7; if its okay, and being an NPC, I'll just go ahead and roll it, to save time.

Sorry, I get a six.

According to the morale rules, Bergthora is not out of it. She only missed the check by one, so she doesn't rout ... but she also reduces her attacks to every other round, while falling back. In this case, she will move back to obtain Fjall's crossbow in 1004. Next round, she'll start loading it.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.