The beast, starting in 0602, is suddenly surprised at this new appearance of completely unnatural-looking humanoids.
It has two attacks. A large, wolf-like bite and a slash with one or the other of its two claws. It remembers that Embla was the creature that struck it first, waking it, and then it will want to get past Pandred. It will therefore bite at Embla, then slash at Pandred.
It rolls a 13 and hits Embla with its bite (better hope this thing does not roll a critical; all my wolves do triple damage on a critical 20). The bite is a terrifying 2d8 ... and I roll 13 damage. Embla feels the jaws close on her arm and throw her back into 0802, where she is both stunned and wounded, losing 1 more point of damage on the monster's subsequent turns, until healed or binded.
Against Pandred, the beast rolls a 1; it howls, loses its footing and ends in 0502, fumbling the rest of its AP away.
Following the party's actions, the combatants appear as follows:
And experience:
I move through 0601 to 0501 and swing at its flank.
Attack Roll: 13, +1 from flanking, hitting AC 5.
Damage Roll: 5.
Update to my info: It's handaxe and shield, and weight carried is 82.6 lbs
Having said that I swing said handaxe at our canine combatant.
d20: 8 (+1 Str, +1 Male-Humanoid) Total 10
d6: 6 (+3 Str) Total 9
You guys have got to roll above 13. That's a miss also, Engelhart ... but it IS closer than what Embla got.
I let out a 'fuck!', make it a holy one.
14 not being enough, I'm beginning to see this turning ugly real soon.
Can Lothar move through 0604 to 0503 and still have 2 AP to attack?
Yes. There's no movement cost for travelling through the debris hex.
Hokay. Lothar steps up to 0503 through 0604 and swings his longsword at the dog-bane-thing.
Attack: 9. Bloody freaking 9. Hits AC 10. Soon to be bloody freaking Lothar. At least it wasn't a 1. Ugh. Pulled out my special d20 for that, too.
Bergthora moves up, 0702 and 0602, and swings her shortsword.
Attack: 6. I am cursed.
Fjall winds the crossbow.
For all the good it will do.
The post above has been updated for player character movement and X.P.
The next post is up.
[Heard nothing from my comment about last Saturday's DM post]
Alexis: I did reply to your DM post. It never showed up, I just assumed you had nixed it due to it getting a bit nitpicky at the end.
Found it. It was in the spam bin. Weird. I just found three other comments, including the one where Engelhart explains he doesn't have the proficiency with sling, in the spam bin here. This has been happening a lot lately.
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