Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Ice Lake Round 9 ~ Now It's Just a Slog

With a goodly number of their opponents destroyed or stunned, there are fewer attacks.

Embla fields one attack from 1623.  It rolls a 19, causing 3 damage.  A second creature moves into 1722 and attacks, missing with an adjusted 2.

Engelhart is attacked from two larva.  These roll an adjusted 18 and an adjusted 7, hitting once.  Engelhart sustains 6 damage from 1922, which is not enough to stun the cleric.

Lothar, likewise, is attacked from two larva.  These roll a 9 and an 8, both missing.

Mikael is not attacked.

Rob is attacked twice.  1625 hits him with a 16, causing 2 damage.  The magic armor takes the punishment and Rob is untouched.

The other attack on Rob misses with a 6.

Following their move, the positions stand as shown:

Experience thus far:


Alexis Smolensk said...

[And that's it for me. Thank you for a good running, guys; don't worry, I think you've got this.

[I like these deep fights. The tension digs in and stays, you never know when, or if, the whole battle will go sour ... and each win is a dopamine hit]

Embla Strand said...

I swing at 1722 again.

5 on the die, hits AC 12 for 8 damage.

Unknown said...

Two attacks on 1823 (4 AP)

Attack 1 (mithril)
Attack: 3 (3 + 1 - 1)
Damage: 2 (1 + 1)

Attack 2 (common)
Attack: -1 (fumble) (1 - 2)
Damage: 1 (1)
D6 roll: 6

That...was terrible

Embla Strand said...

[Thanks, Alexis. Especially with those memories of the first beetle fight, this has been stressful. Have a good week.]

Lothar Svensson said...

I continue to wallop 1924.

Attack: 7+1=8, hits AC 10
Damage: 8+1=9

Wallop is apparently a relative term...

Lothar Svensson said...

[I'm a bit on edge, personally. I think things will turn out okay, but we could have done some things a bit better earlier in the fight. Still having a blast, though!]

Alexis Smolensk said...

[For my money, I think it would have been better to try to hold a line, with the strongest characters on the ends, rather than in the middle, then collapse into a box, with an eye to try to keep them from surrounding you for the longest possible time. But you've done all right]

Rob Munro said...

[Definitely feel the tension incresing. Have a good week.]

Unknown said...

[I agree with your assessment. I erred by moving to the right and widening the line when I should have stayed in the center. I incorrectly viewed the bottom edge of the initial map as the "end" of the map, and so when the map scrolled down it left the flanks wide open]

Engelhart Askjellson said...

[At first I thought we were definitely buying the farm with this fight, fortunately the foes turned out really easy to fold. Still don't think we're in the clear, all it takes is a couple of ill-timed 20's.

Not that I'm unhappy with my casting of Curse, but I should have taken the time spent holding for range to cast a second spell, so that I could still fling Hold Person or something else at these worms while they were still closing.]

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Regarding this round:

I attack the impudent worm in 1922.

Attack Roll: 18.

Damage Roll: 8+1 for 9 damage.

It ain't won yet...

Lothar Svensson said...


Unknown said...

[Here. And very nervous]

Rob Munro said...


Embla Strand said...


Rob Munro said...

I attack the one in 1725.

Attack: 16
Dmg: 4

Alexis Smolensk said...

[here. give me a few minutes to wake up and get into the rhythm]

Alexis Smolensk said...

Okay, Embla misses 1722.

Mikael's common dart, dropped, will land in hex 1924.

Lothar will miss 1924.

Engelhart destroys 1922.

Rob stuns 1725 and hurdles it back.

That's everyone's movement. I'll set about updating the post above.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The post above is updated. I am working on the next post.

Alexis Smolensk said...

[pardon the wait; some family drama going on]

Rob Munro said...

[ no worries ]

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.