Thursday, May 24, 2018

An Odd Sight

Okay, writing a new post to settle these time confused issues.

Embla and Lothar are gone, out ahead.  Fjall will eat half rations with the rest of the party.  I'm under the impression that no one is eating full rations and everyone is at full hit points.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Rob falls asleep after the scouts go on ahead.  The rest of the party talk for awhile, but even that gets tiresome.  You burn the lantern low, to keep watch, so the fuel only diminishes at half its rate.

As I count it, we'll call it that you've gone through one flask of oil by the time the scouts left.  You go through another two ounces, which lasts you 7 and a half hours, during which time you see no sign of the scouts.  You each settle into your place along the wall, keeping the edge as far away as possible, at a place where the ledge is flat and about nine feet wide.

Rob ... you're lying on your side as you wake up, facing away from the party.  The party is quiet.  Fjall is gently snoring.  Engelhart is mumbling over a favorite sermon he studied in the seminary.  Mikael is dozing.

As Rob opens his eyes, feeling tired to his bones and not really anxious to move and get up, he sees something unexpected.  It is a very slow burning flame, floating about one inch above the surface of the stone ledge, about three inches high ... and about a foot from his eyes.  The flame is the color of an aquamarine gem.  It gives no light, except in itself.


Engelhart Askjellson said...

*mumble* *mumble* *mumble*

Rob Munro said...

Still on the floor, I slowly back away from the strange light, not letting it leave my sight.

I try to catch the attention of Engelhart by whispering his name.

Alexis Smolensk said...

As soon as you move, it disappears.

Rob Munro said...

Glancing around suspiciously, I signal the others more openly, describing what I just saw.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I'm thinking (and I voice it) that Rob must be simply allucinating. Being so much time under the ground in unchanging scenery is not easy on the mind.

That, or a Will-o-the-Wisp..

Back to my mumbling.

Rob Munro said...

Well, I'm not convinced.
I get up and keep staring around in case I see this light again.

Unknown said...

A bluish-green flame? "Why don't you go back to sleep, I'll stay awake a bit to see if it returns."

Alexis Smolensk said...

Rob isn't sleepy; he's awake.

Try as you might, none of you can induce the vision to appear again.

Rob Munro said...

Well, then we're back to waiting for our scouts...

Unknown said...

It could just be a hallucination brought by lack of food, but...perhaps we should keep a watch up? Just in case.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

Unless it looks like a beetle *sign of the cross*, then I'm not worried.

[I'll need to be away for a couple of hours, Alexis & gang, just a heads up.]

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.

[We'll play for another hour, and then call it. I think we'll call off next week completely; I want to try to bury the podcast for this series and I have to prep something for a week friday]