We're still cleaning up some other details, but let's move forward. I have the market table ready for Stavanger. You can find it in the Juvenis folder on the google drive:
I strongly recommend that you make a bookmark for the drive. I'm going to be using it a lot and this is the last time I'm going to post the link. In future, when I say "the Drive" as a place to go, please assume I mean the Juvenis folder.
I also recommend subscribing to the comments sections of the posts, particularly your original character post. When we're fixing something with the character or updating something, we should go back to that one again and again (and possibly replacing it when the comments field gets past 200).
Please ask questions about the market on this post. Please ask questions about your specific character on your appropriate character post.
I should have included this:
12 Copper Pieces = 1 Silver Piece
16 Silver Pieces = 1 Gold Piece
192 Copper Pieces = 1 Gold Piece
And yes, it is deliberately miserable and awful. Welcome to medieval thinking. I tell people, keep a pile of copper, silver and gold in your pocket and then subtract from each type of coin. This will help you NOT have to constantly be making change.
Calculate Your Encumbrance!
The drive you linked in this post is the Senex one, not Juvenis.
I can see the Stavanger market just fine in the Juvenis drive, though.
It's probably because the clipboard did not clear after I posted the link on the Senex drive to the Syros market. Good thing I don't have to worry about that going forward.
Also, keep an eye on the other blog, buying in Syros. They will have questions you may also want to ask.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone would buy me a cheap weapon. A handaxe would be lovely, but I can't really afford anything beyond (perhaps) a bola.
Ok, I believe I've purchased everything my purse and pack can handle... food, clothes, weapons, armor, utensils. I've a small amount of coin left; I'd be willing to share if someone needs something cheap and Alexis is okay with us sharing before we get started.
Also, Alexis, what is the temperature grade for Stavanger? It looks like chilly to cool, but I'd like to confirm that. Thanks!
I'm okay with that, Lothar!
Thank you Lothar! Let me see how much I have leftover - we can pool our available funds and hopefully get me something at least. Working with 10gp is rough.
I've got about 3.5 GP (equivalent) left over, which could theoretically buy 44 cigars.
To answer your question, Aleksandra,
The game will begin on Monday, 18th of April, following the last night of Ostara, the festival of the spring goddess, called by the Christians of Stavanger Eostre, or Easter. You all met during the celebrations and you're spending the day after dealing with your general tiredness by purchasing things in the market (obviously, most of what you have was purchased long ago, so you're just picking up or not picking up something on this Monday).
The year is 1650. The temperature is brisk (see sidebar), with a fresh breeze blowing from the west (see Beaufort Scale under Links, also on the sidebar). There is the light rain falling, making everything wet; with the wind it is somewhat miserable.
Lukus has asked about a purchasing limit. Thank you! I forgot to mention. Please keep everything above 100 g.p. to 5 items. Everything between 10-100 g.p. to 10 items and everything less than 10 g.p. to 25 items.
The old system wasn't working and I don't have a new system to replace it (I have no idea how).
Warning: I'm going to be gone to work in about 52 minutes for the evening.
Lothar, I have but 4sp for food. Looking at the other thread, if we had a pot (3gp) and a sack of beans (22sp), we could feed all of us rather cheaply, and I'll happily contribute my 4sp for that.
Alternatively, if you would spot me the 12sp I need to buy 1 day's rations, that would be excellent.
Thank you!
The innkeeper will feed you a plate of roasted beef (enough for one day) for 18 c.p. You can have pork for 9 c.p. and a pint of mead with it for 3 c.p. Then you can get a back lane bedstead for the night for 21 c.p. If you have the pork, it will leave you 15 c.p. for the next day.
Great. Thank you, Alexis. I do not starve this night.
Alexis, how do garment materials factor into CLO? Could I wear a tanned bearskin as a poor-woman's cloak?
Lothar, since I am able to eat, would you kind enough to buy me a club?
I'll buy us a pot. I like the idea of having coin enough to sleep under a roof. Also I think my bag of potatoes will feed us for a couple days once we get out of town.
Yes, I'll get you a club. I was writing my previous post before i saw you had responded again.
Scratch the pot for now then.
Thank you, Lothar. We'll get a pot shortly, once we all have a little more coin in our pocket.
Hoo boy. A lot to come back to.
It's funny, when I saw my starting cash I assumed I'd never be able to spend it all. That has been proven incredibly incorrect.
I should have a blog set up for my character now as well, Alexis, let me know if it's inaccessible or otherwise incomplete.
Had a short shift. Was dead at the restaurant, sent me home early.
Aleksandra, here's my CLO resource:
I'll add that site to the sidebar. I'd have to rate your bearskin as a smock, 0.3 CLO.
That's an amazing resource. Thank you, Alexis.
Give me a link please, Rowan.
Engelhart's grandfather has heard about the difficulties you are having with a cooking pot. His background indicates that Engelhart is entitled to GIFTS.
His grandfather gives Engelhart a crockery cooking pot as a present.
Gosh, after seeing prices I feel like a doofus for not having picked proficiency in a wooden melee weapon. That'll learn me. I'm going to have to wait to purchase a hand axe.
I'm counting up items, costs, and weights in a spreadsheet.
Alexis, which pieces of clothing have pockets?
Pockets are available on request. Add 10% to the total cost of the garment and wait one week for the tailor to deliver. You can have your garments with pockets on the 25th of April.
Whoops, here.
Huzzah for Engelhart's grandfather!
And I feel the same way, Maxwell. Maybe we can liberate some handaxes...
And I have ordered a pocketed linen apron.
Gudendag. I'm late to the party but Mr.Smolensk has me well seconded.
Being a native I am, of course, able to extend amenities of the very basic sort to most if not all of my fellowship.
If it's to be the morning after Easter, I'm fairly sure some spoils of the feast can be scared and even made to last for a few days without stretching the linings of courtesy.
I have cabin space in my vessel but we wouldn't have to resort to that, given that some usable pantry or storage space should be available on request. Sleeping with the livestock for warmth could probably be on the cards as well.
Alexis: pardon my blundering and set me straight, I was counting on an initial post to set the stage and have our would-be heroes introduce themselves in some fashion but it appears to have begun already...
I'm a bit at a loss on "table rules", as well; are we supposed to talk in character or is it eschewed altogether or left down to personal preference?
What would leather armor rate at?
Also, I am in awe at the thoroughness and sheer work amount put into this market table.
It's quite excessive, but since I've once read that that is pointedly on purpose I won't complain.
Hello, Engelhart. I think you are quite right, and we might also look forward to the octave of Easter, if we're still in town.
I had not considered where we might sleep, and it is kind of you to offer up your boat for that purpose, should it become necessary.
I'm still at it... this thing is, well, intricate; pornographic, even.
Let's see if this has come out half-rational:
Item Price (gold) Weight
shield (small), fir and iron 3 3
leather armor 14 15
warhammer, iron 29 5
coat, wolf fur 26 16,50
Item Price (silver) Weight
chausses, linen 10 3,59
hauberk, linen 17 5,99
chemise, cotton 2 1,05
shirt (men's), cotton 2 1,05
boots (high hard), cowhide 24 2,28
gloves, velour 6 0,28
hat, wolf fur 26 1,03
holy symbol (large), satinwood 5 1,57
candle (votive), beeswax 15 0,23
Item Price (copper) Weight
dice, bone 1 0,02
loin cloth, cotton 14 0,53
All of these purchases totalling 73 gold, 109 silver and 15 copper, which leaves my initial 80gp total reduced to a paltry 21 coppers.
I have no food and no shame. By this, I mean that I'll be relying on familial support for the time being until we can find some gainful occupation.
"I have some number of provisions, friends. My purse may offer nothing, but my pack, at least, might fulfill your hunger. I had set in for a long road ahead, but a journey is lighter among good company."
I've got 10 lbs of rations, mostly bread and salted meat. That should tide us over until we can resupply, assuming we don't get stuck somewhere.
Englehart, Have you also accounted for your grandfather's generous gift of a ceramic pot?
I think we all have very little cash - obtaining more will probably be our first priority. I'm glad to know that we will not all starve - it looks like y'all bought plenty of food.
For fuck's sake. The account I made for Gudbrand got locked because of "suspicious activity," but honestly it was more trouble than it was worth. I'll ask questions as Maxwell for now and have a new one set up before Monday.
How much does my medal weigh, and is it designed to be pinned to clothing or hung around my neck?
Can you use the shield and your Warhammer at the same time?
Alexis, would hiring a tailor to turn my bearskin into a bearskin coat cost the difference between the bearskin and the bearskin coat? About how long would that take?
Fortunately, I've got two leads we ought to be able to follow up on for some quick cash. They both involve a bit of travel, but with Engelhart's ship it should be relatively quick.
Two? Excellent.
And Engelhart having a ship is incredibly fortuitous.
Don't forget that Engelhart's sloop is fairly small. The cabin only sleeps one (two uncomfortably). I don't know what the situation is regarding sleeping on the deck. Maybe if we wrap up warm?
If it comes to it, I can offer what little coin I've got to subsidize someone's bedrest in Stavanger or Bergen, whereever we end up.
Unless we get in good with a local, the Inns of Rogaland aren't big on druids at the moment.
I... don't rightly know. I presumed as much, but we'll have confirmation soon enough.
Did too. And yes, coinward bound we must go. Classic driver of the adventurer-condition.
I can provide for our housing as well, in a hospice or something. We have food and we can afford lodging, for the immediate future.
Rowan, we'll make do. Worst case you could, perhaps, sleep on the boat while the rest of us find a bed elsewhere.
This is what I'm hoping a leading post will bring us to... some (unified) context.
Then we can start with actual play as opposed to player-chatter (i.e. stating the very same intentions but in-character).
Regards to "spoils of the feast" after Easter; Engelhart, having thought of it, manages to scrounge (through friends) a total of 10 lbs. of cooked pork and beef ribs, a 20 lb. sack of potatoes, a large wooden bowl of sweet potato pottage (three pounds of soup) and two mince pies (though Engelhart has to promise to return the metal pans).
Regarding "table rules": I never demand that people talk 'in character;' that is up to the individual. Obviously, you won't be able to talk in character to me and it usually happens that people reserve the in character for when they talk to NPCs. But I'm also good with players saying, "I tell the peasant that we're on our way to the local city" or something to that effect.
There are no rules to verbal intercourse, only rules for dice and for determining if what you attempt to do succeeds. Go with what seems to work and enjoy yourself, knowing others are doing the same.
Regarding "has begun already." Purchasing goods is an "in game" thing; you're moving around looking for stuff to buy, there is weather, there is the sense of needing to borrow or share, there's discussion on what's needed and what should we equip ourselves to do? This is all perfectly natural. I'm just letting it evolve naturally. There will be a new post once the equipping phase is completed.
Regards to leather armor rating. Lothar, with respect to what? I presume armor class. It reduces armor class by 2 points.
Regards to Engelhart's equipment list: please repost on your character site. Please, printing a table on a comment post is confusing. I suggest you print tables on your blog, where you will be keeping your character.
Here is what I suggest if you want to print a table:
1) make the table.
2) take a screen shot of your computer: PrtSc button.
3) paste screenshot using paint.
4) trim the paint image to isolate the image of your table.
5) post the image on your blog.
Works great. It is how I do virtually all my pics for my blogs.
Otherwise, please print your equipment in the comment as Ibrahim Bin Yusuf did in his comments. Very easy to understand.
As regards shield/warhammer. Yes, a warhammer is a one-handed weapon. Note the All Weapons table on the wiki; it will tell you how many hands a weapon needs.
As regards bearskin into bearskin coat: yes, the cost is the difference between the two, as guessed Aleksandra. Time is two weeks.
As regards sleeping on the deck of Engelhart's sloop: it would be excessively miserable, somewhat like sleeping on a door floating in the water ~ particularly if it is still raining tonight.
Regarding player chatter:
Is everyone finished purchasing items?
I will be adding a cowhide leather thong to my equipment, as it suddenly occured to me that I had no idea how I intended to hold both the club and spear about my person at the same time.
The club will dangle from the pack via the thong, and I intend, for now, to use the spear as a walking stick.
Beyond that, I'm finished.
I think I am finished as well.
That's two!
And I'd like to confirm that I have an apron currently receiving pockets but I have not surrendered my bearskin for coat-manufacture.
I was wondering about the insulating properties against the cold for the leather armor (Clo. Rating), as it didn't appear on the table on the wiki. Also the lambskin gloves from the leather worker. I'm finding myself a bit short of the requirement for the current climate, which probably has a bit to do with my head cold...
I am very thankful for my hauberk and chausses. Depending on what Alexis says, you could take the club back and sell it for enough silver to get a hauberk (17s) that provides 0.5 CLO - I can make do without a good melee weapon for now if you need to be warm.
Also remember that a hauberk and chausses together make "padded" armor, which reduces AC by 1. For reference, "leather armor" incorporates the padding of the hauberk and chausses, so if Lothar did buy those, he is already covered.
Regarding CLO. I will have to do a post specifically about the party's clothing, so we can straighten that out. The party might want to think seriously of waiting for a warmer day to go out travelling than today ~ I have solved all my weather woes, now, so at some point I will be bringing in damage for sojourns into the wilderness (with experience, of course).
Thank you for the suggestion.
Rowan, what does the weather look like for the next couple of days?
Rowan is a bit more of a "big picture" Droodle. Weather? Mere wind! Rain? Refreshingly bracing!
I don't know jack about the weather just yet. Maybe I'll take Predict Weather at 3rd level here.
But gimme a star chart, and he'll point you to Damascus and Destiny!
Ok, with my leathers counting as chausses and hauberk for CLO (and an assumption on my part that the gloves address about as insulating as thick socks, that will bring me up to 1.9. I can't really afford much more at this point, so I'll say I'm done shopping as well. I've updated my character sheet with additional cold weather gear (hat, gloves, different boots)and accounted for the additional endurance. I'm ready to move on.
That leaves Engelhart and Gudbrand. I know both are working on blogger problems as well.
Actually, the wikipedia page may be more thorough than the resource I posted.
My problem is with application. I personally don't see how to translate the formula 1 clo = 0.155 K·m²·W⁻¹ = 0.88 R into how much clo is necessary at a given temperature so identified for the game.
I'm at a loss. This is the sort of mathematical application that always goes over my head (I do have limitations!). If anyone wants to produce a simple excel formula where I can put the temperature (I can obtain the "feels like temperature" easily) in one end and it produces the necessary CLO at the other, that would be fab.
I wouldn't know where to start.
On it.
This formula requires two inputs: Temperature (T, in Celsius) and movement quality (P). I've several base points for movement quality which (sort of) line up with the CLO table as presented:
48 - sleeping
60 - resting
120 - slow walking
180 - fast walking
CLO = (31-T) / .155P
Using the resting rate of 60, this tracks with the scaling you already have for CLO and ambient temperature.
My Clo should be 1.19 without my armor, 2.04 with it. This does not include my leather helmet, for which there is no value as described on the table. I'd assume it's either the cloth cap, or the hat, but neither makes a considerable difference at this exact moment.
If we need to hole up in Stavanger for a bit, so be it, though I'll admit to champing at the bit somewhat to start bouncing around the wilderness.
If cooler heads had prevailed, I might have taken our comrade's headcold into consideration and taken things a bit easier.
Alexis, since all of us are from here, is the cold weather typical for this time of year?
And if we decide to stay, it might be worth our while to spend the last of our coin listening for rumors and events happening outside of town.
Okay, so the present temperature feels like -1. You're slow walking, shopping from place to place. That makes 32/(.155*120) = 1.72. Which isn't too bad, because even though you're feeling it outside, you're also moving from shop to shop and getting a respite.
But you wouldn't want to sleep outside! You'd need a CLO of 4.3 for that!
Thank you so much, Dani. That is just fantastic!
I don't usually reduce my game to giving players "rumors." You can be sure that everything going on around here is fairly dull. You'll have to roust something up if you expect to have an adventure ~ it is on you to risk.
You could consider using your skills to work for a month, until better weather. After all, you just have to say, "We wait for a fine day" or "We wait a month" ~ of course, you'll be eating all that time, won't you?
Heh, heh, heh.
First problem of the campaign.
What is around us, right now - places within a day's travel of Stavanger?
Sorry, I didn't answer the question, is this typical weather.
I would guess yes. Stavanger has what is called a Dfb climate, a kind of humid continental climate. The "f" indicates that neither the winters nor the summers are dry; the "b" that the warmest month has an average below 22 C but there are at least four months that average above 10 C.
So, cold, wet, windy in April? Probably normal. Now you know why the vikings kept busy.
Did you not see the link I put up when you were talking about Henges?
Anyway, feel free to load up Google Earth and see. It might actually be there. The background image on the blog is a place called Pulpit Rock, near Stavanger. No railings, I notice. Place would freak the hell out of me.
It's true! I noticed I've got my best odds of not taking fatigue if I just stay active enough to keep warm.
With the above in mind, and seeking out our own adventure.
I've made my desire to strike out pretty open, and my recollection of the Henge link is that there are several barrow mounds and the like within a 20 mile radius.
However, we do still have the option of staying put, finding menial work until it warms up some, and laying the groundwork with locals for...well, I don't have ideas at the moment, but I'm not the only one here.
Comrades in arms: ideas?
As a DM, I can make those barrow mounds more interesting.
Ooh. Barrow mounds sound far more appealing than what I suggested.
There's a bunch of stuff by Randaberg, to the west. That sounds highly promising.
That barrow mound plan has my vote.
All y'all?
We can make, if I remember correctly, between 40-60 miles a day barring weather by sea. That's half a week to Bergen. My provisions would just barely provide myself and another person the ability to make it through that journey.
Engelhart's scrounging for 30 pounds of food could get three more through the same. If we are able to fish, or forage, or plunder any more, we should be in no danger of hunger.
Equally, a few days travel north of Stavanger or so is Utbjoa Cairn according to:
There's no shortage of interesting burial sites to plunder or standing stones to use as markers while setting up camp in the evenings.
Barring a better idea or strong objections, I toss my vote for the boat to Bergen.
I have fishhooks and twine, so we have the tools for fishing. Fair enough. This sounds more than doable.
Of course, we have to get the pelts first. Where are they?
Okay, I'm going to step off now. I've got work again in the morning.
I know Engelhart has actually purchased things so that leaves Gudbrand; I'm sure he'll find the market by morning. I'm off tomorrow sometime in the mid-afternoon. I'll put up the next post then, or soon after.
Your characters will be done shopping (game time) by three in the afternoon, but somehow I don't think you're going to rush out and do anything the evening of the 18th.
The pelts, which weigh about 200 lbs, are a mile south of Stavenger, under the floor of a hunting lodge owned by a friend of the family. They should bring in about 450 GP. The trouble, I think, will come from moving them through the town to the ship unseen. What we'd want is some crates and to borrow a cart.
On the other hand, if I can get to Sauda, i can borrow 500 gold from contacts there. It's about 55 miles NNE of Stavenger by water. That could get us a little better provisioned, I think.
Hmm. Sailing to Sauda seems like an excellent choice. Then snag the pelts and head off to Bergen, disturbing barrows on the way?
Sounds good to me. Though let's be sure to not mention the pelts to any of the people of Stavenger. My father acquired them under... suspicious circumstances... and I'd rather not have to answer any pointed questions about them, if you catch my meaning.
Drift caught. Secret kept.
Just woken up and boy is there a lot to playing catch-up to do. Clothing woes aside, I'll reformat my purchases somehow later in the day. I'll subscribe pretty much any plan you fellows claim, but I believe you'll have to keep me in the dark about your pelting side-deals. I _am_ from the Stavanger community, after all.
Side deals? Shifty business? No sir. Nothing remarkable happening here. Just talking about how the weather is supposed to be quite nice in Bergen this time of year. It might be nice to get some coin and then check out that greener grass.
Omg, it is SO green.
Rowan's got it exactly right.
Here is my equipment progress so far, just to show I am still involved. I have plenty of beans for Engelhart's pot. Probably still need more clothes, and the robe seems a bit inappropriate since I'm neither friar nor poor woman, but at least I have boots and gloves and armor and a weapon.
Alexis, how heavy is my axe medal? Is it worn around the neck or pinned to clothes?
I've got this for now, I'll touch it up later.
I've had to let go of my fashionable wolf fur hat for the altogether more prosaic ensemble of backpack, belt and thong.
So I turned on my screen recorder and went to show to you guys that every time I've done this Google login process, it needs my phone number. This is the sixth time I've done it and it's wanted a number every time.
Of course, the one time I record it, it immediately passes me through with no number whatsoever. Of course! Making me look like a crazy person!
Anyway no need for the recording now. Gudbrand reporting in.
I'm sorry, Gudbrand. I'm glad it is now working.
I should be making a post in about 20 minutes. Keep an eye out.
I've been hung up a bit. Writing the post now.
Regarding your clothes; everyone at the time wore a robe; it was worn over the breeches and shirt and under everything else.
Your medal weighs about 1 ounce, 0.06 of a pound. You wear it on a string or chain you provide yourself.
I noticed an irregularity in the market table while looking at food needs. The weight listed for a paper box of table salt is 31.49 lbs.
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